Import dependence

<! <dependency> <groupId>com.github. Pagehelper </groupId> <artifactId>pagehelper-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>1.2. 5</version> </dependency> <! -- -->
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The configuration file

Pagehelper: helper-dialect: mysql # whether to enable paging rationalization. If enabled, when pagenum<1When pagenum> Pages, the system automatically queries data on the first page. When pagenum> Pages, the system automatically queries data on the last page. If not enabled, both cases return blank data for reasonable:false# the default valuefalseThe paging plug-in will automatically paginate the query method based on the values of the params configuration fields above. support-methods-arguments:true
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Note: with a reasonable value of true, if there is no data on the next page, return data on the previous page; if false, return null if there is no data on the current page.


public MyResult getAll(int pageNo,int pageSize) {
    PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(articleDao.getAll());
    return MyResult.success(pageInfo);
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The results of

Reference documentation

SpringBoot2.0 uses pagehelper for paging queries