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One, foreword

Do the performance test script is a practical effort, the work is common key-value, JSON mode is more, then the nGrinder script how we write the following brief introduction.

Implement a GET request demo

First, write a project through SpringBoot to implement add, delete, change and check, through Get request:

Copy the code

The project Controller layer uses the simplest Get request to query data, the code is:

public List<UserTable> findUser(UserTable userInfo) {
    List<UserTable> UserInfo = userService.findinfo(userInfo);
    return UserInfo;
Copy the code

The @responseBody annotation automatically converts the Json display to the page. This project is very simple, do not show other code, you can find your own company’s project or write a demo project, practice.

The interface layer:

public interface UserService {
List<UserTable> findinfo(UserTable userInfo);
Copy the code

Implementation layer:

public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
public List<UserTable> findinfo(UserTable userInfo) {
    UserTableExample example = new UserTableExample();
    UserTableExample.Criteria criteria = example.createCriteria();
    returnuserTableMapper.selectByExample(example); }}Copy the code

Database Dao layer:

  • This layer is generated through the Generator plug-in

Generator plugin reference code:

<! DOCTYPEgeneratorConfiguration
        PUBLIC "-// MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN"
    <! Database driver: Select the database driver package on your local hard drive -->
    <classPathEntry location=".. \ mysql - manager \ lib \ mysql connector - Java - 5.1.6. Jar"/>
    <context id="DB2Tables" targetRuntime="MyBatis3">
            <property name="suppressDate" value="true"/>
            <! -- Whether to remove automatically generated comments true: yes: false: no -->
            <property name="suppressAllComments" value="true"/>
        <! -- Database link URL, username, password -->
        <jdbcConnection driverClass="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/7d"
                        userId="root" password="123456">
            <property name="forceBigDecimals" value="false"/>
        <! The package name and location of the generated model
        <javaModelGenerator targetPackage="com.sevendgrop.pojo" targetProject="src/main/java">
            <property name="enableSubPackages" value="true"/>
            <property name="trimStrings" value="true"/>
        <! Generate mapping file package name and location -->
        <sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="mapping" targetProject="src/main/resources">
            <property name="enableSubPackages" value="true"/>
        <! The package name and location where the DAO was generated
        <javaClientGenerator type="XMLMAPPER" targetPackage="com.sevendgrop.mapper" targetProject="src/main/java">
            <property name="enableSubPackages" value="true"/>
        <! TableName is the name of the table in the database or the name of the view.
        <table schema="" tableName="case_table"></table>
Copy the code

Pom. XML configuration:

            <! Mybatis Generator plugin for automatic code generation
Copy the code

Maven plugin:

After configuring the above, click:

Run to generate database connection SQL statements.

Script writing

Open the source deployment project in the previous section, create a new script where the source running script is introduced, and modify it into your own practice script by referring to the following code.

The new script in the nGrinder writes the following code:

import org.junit.FixMethodOrder
import static net.grinder.script.Grinder.grinder
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl
import net.grinder.script.GTest
import net.grinder.script.Grinder
import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.GrinderRunner
import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeProcess
import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeThread
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import java.util.Date
import java.util.List
import java.util.ArrayList
import HTTPClient.Cookie
import HTTPClient.CookieModule
import HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
import HTTPClient.NVPair

class PostGetDemo {

    public static GTest test
    // Define HTTPRequest static variable request, used to send HTTP requests
    public static HTTPRequest request
    // Define NVPair headers to store generic request header data
    public static NVPair[] headers = []
    // define NVPair array params to store request parameter data
    public static NVPair[] params = []
    // Define Cookie array cookies to store generic Cookie data
    public static Cookie[] cookies = []
    public static void beforeProcess(a) {
        // Set request response timeout (ms)
        HTTPPluginControl.getConnectionDefaults().timeout = 6000
        // Create a GTest object. The first parameter 1 represents the order ID of the execution when there are multiple requests/transactions. The second parameter is the name of the request/transaction, which is displayed in the summary result
        test = new GTest(1."localhost:8888")
        // Create an HTTPRequest object to initiate an HTTP request
        request = new HTTPRequest()
        // Set header datas
        List<NVPair> headerList = new ArrayList<NVPair>()
        headerList.add(new NVPair("Content-Type"."application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
        headerList.add(new NVPair("Connection"."keep-alive"))
        headers = headerList.toArray()
        // Set param datas
        List<NVPair> paramList = new ArrayList<NVPair>()
        paramList.add(new NVPair("username"."600128"))
        params = paramList.toArray()
        // Set cookie datas
        List<Cookie> cookieList = new ArrayList<Cookie>()  
        cookieList.add(new Cookie("Cookie"."Idea-96adee05=87213429-7753-4183-99d0-c1c3362ce5d0; Hm_lvt_eb54a8c74fe4cb91ad8ca004e48cd3f9=1545999605; Pycharm-5b892e29=6772acb9-e87b-4d37-98e3-bff82e412d17; csrftoken=KDr8oYtD0gKh7UbS5fWSROzEOX6rjX3CN26pz9PQu9AczLMGFhw53ZrjAhoIOTE7; Hm_lvt_f2c884fc06fca522c4105429259b8a73=1558506687; Webstorm-173930bd=052a6829-b802-4eb0-a1e2-e348f1012604; _ga = GA1.1.1061327805.1562753587; UM_distinctid=16c02a6b049e1-02b6b032525db4-e343166-144000-16c02a6b04a120; CNZZDATA4617777=cnzz_eid%3D1637582848-1563412391-%26ntime%3D1563412391; Hm_lvt_0cb375a2e834821b74efffa6c71ee607=1563412574; bad_id22bdcd10-6250-11e8-917f-9fb8db4dc43c=a32ab941-a8f9-11e9-9989-93f7b4f25032; Idea-2b3f02ca=87213429-7753-4183-99d0-c1c3362ce5d0; cookie_lang=0; JSESSIONID=801DE60D9A00C391F80ABE0CD94A6E25"."localhost:8888"."".new Date(), true))
        cookies = cookieList.toArray()"before process.");

    public void beforeThread(a) {
		// Register the event, start test, the second argument should be consistent with the @test annotation method name, there are multiple requests/transactions, register multiple events
        // Configure delay in reporting statistics results
        grinder.statistics.delayReports = true;"before thread.");
    public void before(a) {
        // Here you can add headers attributes and cookies
        cookies.each { CookieModule.addCookie(it, HTTPPluginControl.getThreadHTTPClientContext()) }"before thread. init headers and cookies");

    public void test(a) {
		// Send a GET request
        HTTPResponse result = request.GET("http://localhost:8888/findinfo", params)
        def text = result.getText()
		// Assert the HTTP request status code
        assertThat(result.statusCode, is(200))}}Copy the code

Run again:

Click Run Configuration to add:

- javaagent: D: \ maven \ repository \.net, sf, the grinder, the grinder - DCR - agent \ 3.9.1 \ the grinder - DCR - agent - 3.9.1. JarCopy the code

The configuration description is as follows:

Then click Run:

The results are as follows:

Key points to note here:

List<NVPair> headerList = new ArrayList<NVPair>()
headerList.add(new NVPair("Content-Type"."application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
headerList.add(new NVPair("Connection"."keep-alive"))
headers = headerList.toArray()
Copy the code

Note the header:

public static NVPair[] headers = []
public static NVPair[] params = []
public static Cookie[] cookies = []
Copy the code

Check the source code to know how to pass the value, here is a list of cookie source value:

Read the source code to learn that if the cookie needs to pass the new cookie entity through the constructor to pass the value in:

    List<Cookie> cookieList = new ArrayList<Cookie>()
        cookieList.add(new Cookie("Cookie"."Idea-96adee05=87213429-7753-4183-99d0-c1c3362ce5d0; Hm_lvt_eb54a8c74fe4cb91ad8ca004e48cd3f9=1545999605; Pycharm-5b892e29=6772acb9-e87b-4d37-98e3-bff82e412d17; csrftoken=KDr8oYtD0gKh7UbS5fWSROzEOX6rjX3CN26pz9PQu9AczLMGFhw53ZrjAhoIOTE7; Hm_lvt_f2c884fc06fca522c4105429259b8a73=1558506687; Webstorm-173930bd=052a6829-b802-4eb0-a1e2-e348f1012604; _ga = GA1.1.1061327805.1562753587; UM_distinctid=16c02a6b049e1-02b6b032525db4-e343166-144000-16c02a6b04a120; CNZZDATA4617777=cnzz_eid%3D1637582848-1563412391-%26ntime%3D1563412391; Hm_lvt_0cb375a2e834821b74efffa6c71ee607=1563412574; bad_id22bdcd10-6250-11e8-917f-9fb8db4dc43c=a32ab941-a8f9-11e9-9989-93f7b4f25032; Idea-2b3f02ca=87213429-7753-4183-99d0-c1c3362ce5d0; cookie_lang=0; JSESSIONID=801DE60D9A00C391F80ABE0CD94A6E25"."localhost:8888"."".new Date(), true))

        cookies = cookieList.toArray()"before process.");
Copy the code

The @beforeThread annotation will execute the test.record method.

 * Instrument the supplied {@code target} object's method which has the given name. Subsequent
 * calls to {@code target}'s given method will be recorded against the statistics for this
 * {@codeTest}. * provides {with the given name@codeTarget} object method. Subsequent pair {@codeTarget} The call to a given method will be logged based on statistics for this method *@param target     Object to instrument.
 * @param methodName method name to instrument
 * @throws NonInstrumentableTypeException If {@code target} could not be instrumented.
 * @since3.2.1 * /
public final void record(Object target, String methodName) throws NonInstrumentableTypeException {
   if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(context)) {
      record(target, newMethodNameFilter(methodName)); }}Copy the code


  • Target: script object, in this case this;
  • MethodNam: is the name of the method to be counted, usually by@TestAnnotation method. If not configured, the method executes normally, but there is no system

Calculating result data;

The following code can be copied and modified

import org.junit.FixMethodOrder

import static net.grinder.script.Grinder.grinder
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl
import net.grinder.script.GTest
import net.grinder.script.Grinder
import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.GrinderRunner
import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeProcess
import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeThread
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith

import java.util.Date
import java.util.List
import java.util.ArrayList
import HTTPClient.Cookie
import HTTPClient.CookieModule
import HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
import HTTPClient.NVPair

class PostGetDemo {

    public static GTest test
    // Define HTTPRequest static variable request, used to send HTTP requests
    public static HTTPRequest request
    // Define NVPair headers to store generic request header data
    public static NVPair[] headers = []
    // define NVPair array params to store request parameter data
    public static NVPair[] params = []
    // Define Cookie array cookies to store generic Cookie data
    public static Cookie[] cookies = []

    public static void beforeProcess(a) {
        // Set request response timeout (ms)
        HTTPPluginControl.getConnectionDefaults().timeout = 6000
        // Create a GTest object. The first parameter 1 represents the order ID of the execution when there are multiple requests/transactions. The second parameter is the name of the request/transaction, which is displayed in the summary result
        test = new GTest(1."localhost:8888")
        // Create an HTTPRequest object to initiate an HTTP request
        request = new HTTPRequest()
        // Set header datas
        List<NVPair> headerList = new ArrayList<NVPair>()
        headerList.add(new NVPair("Content-Type"."application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
        headerList.add(new NVPair("Connection"."keep-alive"))
        headers = headerList.toArray()
        // Set param datas
        List<NVPair> paramList = new ArrayList<NVPair>()
        paramList.add(new NVPair("username"."600128"))

        params = paramList.toArray()
        // Set cookie datas
        List<Cookie> cookieList = new ArrayList<Cookie>()
        cookieList.add(new Cookie("Cookie"."Idea-96adee05=87213429-7753-4183-99d0-c1c3362ce5d0; Hm_lvt_eb54a8c74fe4cb91ad8ca004e48cd3f9=1545999605; Pycharm-5b892e29=6772acb9-e87b-4d37-98e3-bff82e412d17; csrftoken=KDr8oYtD0gKh7UbS5fWSROzEOX6rjX3CN26pz9PQu9AczLMGFhw53ZrjAhoIOTE7; Hm_lvt_f2c884fc06fca522c4105429259b8a73=1558506687; Webstorm-173930bd=052a6829-b802-4eb0-a1e2-e348f1012604; _ga = GA1.1.1061327805.1562753587; UM_distinctid=16c02a6b049e1-02b6b032525db4-e343166-144000-16c02a6b04a120; CNZZDATA4617777=cnzz_eid%3D1637582848-1563412391-%26ntime%3D1563412391; Hm_lvt_0cb375a2e834821b74efffa6c71ee607=1563412574; bad_id22bdcd10-6250-11e8-917f-9fb8db4dc43c=a32ab941-a8f9-11e9-9989-93f7b4f25032; Idea-2b3f02ca=87213429-7753-4183-99d0-c1c3362ce5d0; cookie_lang=0; JSESSIONID=801DE60D9A00C391F80ABE0CD94A6E25"."localhost:8888"."".new Date(), true))

        cookies = cookieList.toArray()"before process.");


    public void beforeThread(a) {
		// Register the event, start test, the second argument should be consistent with the @test annotation method name, there are multiple requests/transactions, register multiple events

        // Configure delay in reporting statistics results
        grinder.statistics.delayReports = true;"before thread.");

    public void before(a) {
        // Here you can add headers attributes and cookies
        cookies.each { CookieModule.addCookie(it, HTTPPluginControl.getThreadHTTPClientContext()) }"before thread. init headers and cookies");


    public void test(a) {
		// Send a GET request
        HTTPResponse result = request.GET("http://localhost:8888/findinfo", params)
        def text = result.getText()
		// Assert the HTTP request status code
        assertThat(result.statusCode, is(200))}Copy the code

Source code address:
