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Free up memory in JavaScript

JavaScript uses reference counting to manage memory dynamically.

What is reference counting? Examples are as follows:

// create an obj object and allocate some memory dynamically.
let obj = { value: 'XXXXX' };

// data1 references obj, obj reference count changes to 1
let data1 = { value: obj }
// data2 references obj.
let data2 = { value: obj }

// data1 releases the reference to obj.
data1.value = undefined;
// data2 releases the reference to obj.
delete data2.value;

// Assume no further references to obj
// The obj reference count is 0, and when GC occurs, obj's memory will be reclaimed
Copy the code

In simple terms, the JavaScript engine counts the number of times a block of memory is referenced at run time and periodically performs garbage collection (GC). If a block of heap memory has zero references, it will be reclaimed in subsequent GC, which is called the block freed.

So when a JavaScript variable is determined not to be used again, we can manually dereference it to free up memory. In general, there are several ways to dereference:

  • Set to undefined, e.g.data.value = undefined
  • Set to null, e.g.data.value = null
  • delete, e.g.delete data.value

How do they differ in performance?

The experimental process


Let’s take a look at delete’s performance.

To delete

(()=>{ let totalTime = 0, N=10; for(let n=0; n<N; ++n){ let a = {}; for(let i=0; i<1000000; ++i){ a[i] = i; } let startTime = Date.now(); for(let i=0; i<1000000; ++i){ delete a[i]; } totalTime += Date.now() - startTime; a; } console.log(`avg ${totalTime/N}ms in ${N} times`); }) ()Copy the code

The results

Avg 67.5ms in 10 timesCopy the code

Reverse the delete

(()=>{ let totalTime = 0, N=10; for(let n=0; n<N; ++n){ let a = {}; for(let i=0; i<1000000; ++i){ a[i] = i; } let startTime = Date.now(); for(let i=1000000-1; i>-1; --i){ delete a[i]; } totalTime += Date.now() - startTime; a; } console.log(`avg ${totalTime/N}ms in ${N} times`); }) ()Copy the code

The results of

Avg 64.4ms in 10 timesCopy the code

Set to undefined

(()=>{ let totalTime = 0, N=10; for(let n=0; n<N; ++n){ let a = {}; for(let i=0; i<1000000; ++i){ a[i] = i; } let startTime = Date.now(); for(let i=0; i<1000000; ++i){ a[i] = undefined; } totalTime += Date.now() - startTime; a; } console.log(`avg ${totalTime/N}ms in ${N} times`); }) ()Copy the code

The results

Avg 0.8ms in 10 timesCopy the code

Set to null

(()=>{ let totalTime = 0, N=10; for(let n=0; n<N; ++n){ let a = {}; for(let i=0; i<1000000; ++i){ a[i] = i; } let startTime = Date.now(); for(let i=0; i<1000000; ++i){ a[i] = null; } totalTime += Date.now() - startTime; a; } console.log(`avg ${totalTime/N}ms in ${N} times`); }) ()Copy the code

The results

Avg 0.8ms in 10 timesCopy the code


  • Through the set toundefinednullTo dereferencedelete Nearly 70 times faster
  • No significant memory differences were observed.

Therefore, dereferencing in performance-sensitive scenarios is better by assigning the value to undefined or null.

(End of text)

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