People in other countries speak up for China? Why not America?

Since the outbreak, there have been about 1,783,941 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide and about 109,312 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins website. Of those, 530,006 were diagnosed in the United States alone.

Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus, people from all over the world have more or less been rational in the face of the reports of China’s anti-epidemic rumour-mongering, and have mostly condemned these rumour-mongering and rumour-mongering. But in the United States, the world’s most affected country, there are few rational and objective voices.

What’s more, some individual US politicians have behaved extremely badly. For example, Trump changed the word “coronavirus” in his speech to “China virus”. The World Health Organization ruled back in 2015 that a stateless virus cannot be named after an animal in any country or region. The actions of these US politicians are not only not in compliance with the WHO’s rules, but also contrary to them.

Facts have proved that spreading rumors and stigmatizing China has nothing to do with their domestic fight against the epidemic. The unsealing of Wuhan in China and the resumption of work and production in the whole country are the most powerful slap in the face to these people.

Video from the CCTV network, which data are from
Official website of Johns Hopkins University.

In this paper, by
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