The article directories

    • CJSON library download
    • JSON string parsing containing only key-value pairs
    • JSON string parsing containing arrays
    • Beijing time JSON data parsing
    • Heart knows weather JSON data parsing
    • Analysis of wind weather data
    • Selected historical articles:

CJSON library download

#include “cjson. h” #include” cjson. h” #include “cjson. h” #include” cjson. h” #include “cjson. h” #include” cjson. h”

  • Library source code download address: cJSON download
  • JSON Official website: JSON

JSON string parsing containing only key-value pairs

JSON string:

{"name": "Andy", // key pair 1 "age": 20 // key pair 2}Copy the code

[External link image transfer failed, the source station may have anti-theft mechanism, it is recommended to save the image directly upload (IMG-C5CDYYHF-1569933943620)(]

The JSON object has only two key-value pairs. The key name corresponds to the string Andy and the key age corresponds to the number 20.

void Parse_Str1(void) { char str1[] = "{\"name\":\"Andy\",\"age\":20}"; cJSON *str1_json, *str1_name, *str1_age; printf("str1:%s\n\n",str1); str1_json = cJSON_Parse(str1); // create a JSON parsing object that returns the correct JSON format if (! Str1_json) {printf("JSON format error :%s\n\n", cJSON_GetErrorPtr()); } else {printf(" json format correct :\n%s\n\n",cJSON_Print(str1_json)); str1_name = cJSON_GetObjectItem(str1_json, "name"); If (str1_name->type == cJSON_String) {printf(" name :%s\r\n", str1_name-> valueString); } str1_age = cJSON_GetObjectItem(str1_json, "age"); If (str1_age->type==cJSON_Number) {printf(" age :%d\r\n", str1_age->valueint); } cJSON_Delete(str1_json); // Free memory}}Copy the code

Running results:

JSON string parsing containing arrays

JSON string:

{" location ": [{" name" : "Faye", "address" : "Beijing"}, {" name ":" Andy ", "address" : "Hong Kong"}], "time" : "2018-11-17"}Copy the code

[External link image transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft mechanism, it is recommended to save the image directly upload (IMG-N6vxqg6T-1569933943633)(]

Analytic function:

void Parse_Str2(void) { char str2[] = "{\" location \ ": [{\" name \ ": \" Faye \ ", \ "address \" : \ \ "Beijing"}, {\ "name \" : \ "Andy \", \ "address \" : \ \ "Hong Kong"}], \ "time \" : \ "2018-11-17 \"}" ; cJSON *root = 0; cJSON *loc_json = 0; cJSON *name1_json,*name2_json; char *time_str, *str_tmp; root = cJSON_Parse(str2); if(! Root) printf("str2 JSON format error :%s \r\n", cJSON_GetErrorPtr()); Else {printf("str2 JSON format correct :\n%s\n",cJSON_Print(root)); time_str = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"time")->valuestring; Printf ("time:%s\n", time_str); loc_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"location"); if(loc_json) { name1_json = cJSON_GetArrayItem(loc_json,0); Str_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(name1_json, "name")-> valueString; Printf ("name1 is: %s \r\n", str_tmp); printf("name1 is: %s \r\n", str_tmp); str_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(name1_json, "address")->valuestring; Printf ("addr1 is: %s \r\n", str_tmp); name2_json = cJSON_GetArrayItem(loc_json,1); Str_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(name2_json, "name")-> valueString; printf("name2 is : %s \r\n", str_tmp); str_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(name2_json, "address")->valuestring; printf("addr2 is : %s \r\n", str_tmp); } } cJSON_Delete(loc_json); }Copy the code

Running results:

Beijing time JSON data parsing

API address:

JSON string:

{ "success": "1", "result": { "timestamp": "1543922613", "datetime_1": "2018-12-04 19:23:33", "datetime_2": "On December 4, 2018, 19 23 minutes 33 seconds", "week_1" : "2", "week_2" : "Tuesday", "week_3" : "Tuesday", "week_4" : "Tuesday"}}Copy the code

Analytic function:

void Parse_BJ_Time(void) { char bj_time_str[] = "{\"success\":\"1\",\"result\":{\"timestamp\":\"1542456793\",\"datetime_1\":\"2018-11-17 20:13:13\",\"datetime_2\":\" November 17, 2018 13 when 20 minutes and 13 seconds \ ", \ "week_1 \" : \ "6 \", \ "week_2 \ \", \ "Saturday", \ "week_3 \ \", \ "Saturday", \ "week_4 \" : \ "Saturday \"}} "; cJSON *root; cJSON *result_json; char *datetime, *week; root = cJSON_Parse(bj_time_str); If (root) {printf("json format correct :\n%s\n\n", cJSON_Print(root)); result_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "result"); If (result_json) {datetime = cJSON_GetObjectItem(result_json, "datetime_2")-> valueString; Printf (" Beijing time: %s \r\n", datetime); week = cJSON_GetObjectItem(result_json, "week_2")->valuestring; Printf (" week: %s \r\n", week); } } cJSON_Delete(root); cJSON_Delete(result_json); }Copy the code

Running results:

Heart knows weather JSON data parsing

JSON string:

{" results ": [{" location" : {" id ":" WS10730EM8EV ", "name" : "shenzhen", "country" : "CN", "path" : "shenzhen, shenzhen, guangdong, China", "timezone" : "Asia/Shanghai", "timezone_offset" : "+ 08:00}", "daily" : [{" date ":" 2018-11-18 ", "text_day" : "cloudy", "code_day" : "4", "text_night" : "cloudy", "code_night" : "4", "high" : "26", "low" : "20", "precip" : ""," wind_direction ": "No sustained wind", "wind_direction_degree" : ""," wind_speed ":" 10 ", "wind_scale" : "2"}, {" date ":" 2018-11-19 ", "text_day" : "Rain", "code_day" : "13", "text_night" : "rain", "code_night" : "13", "high" : "25", "low" : "20", "precip" : ""," wind_direction ":" no sustained wind ", "wind_direction_degree" : ""," wind_speed ":" 10 ", "wind_scale" : "2"}, {" date ": "2018-11-20", "text_day" : "rain", "code_day" : "13", "text_night" : "rain", "code_night" : "13", "high" : "25", "low" : "21", "precip" : ""," wind_direction ":" no sustained wind ", "wind_direction_degree" : ""," wind_speed ":" 10 ", "wind_scale" : "2" }], "last_update": "2018-11-18T11:00:00+08:00" }] }Copy the code

Analytic function:

void parse_seniverse_weather(void) { char weather_str[] = "{\" results \ ": [{\" location \ ": {\" id \ ": \" WS10730EM8EV \ ", \ "name \" : \ \ "" shenzhen, \" country \ ": \" CN \ ", \ "path \" : \ "shenzhen, shenzhen, guangdong, China \" and \ "time Zone \ ", \ "Asia/Shanghai \" and \ "+ 08:00 timezone_offset \", \ "\"}, \ "daily \" : [{\ "date \" : \ "2018-11-18 \", \ "text_day \" : \ "cloudy \", \ "code_ Day \ ": \" 4 \ ", \ "cloudy text_night \", \ "\", \ "code_night \", \ "4 \" and \ "on \ \", \ "26", \ "low \", \ "20 \" and \ "precip \", \ "\", \ "wind_direction \" : \ "no sustained wind \", \ "wind_direction_degree \" : \ "\", \ "wind_speed \" : \ "10 \", \ "wind_scale \" : \ \ "2"}, {\ "date \" : \ "2018-11-19 \", \ "text_da Y \ ": \" light rain \ ", \ "13 code_day \", \ "\", \ "text_night \", \ "light rain \" and \ "13 code_night \", \ "\", \ "high \", \ "25 \", \ "low \", \ "20 \", \ "precip \" : \ \" ", \ "wind_direction \", \ "no sustained wind \" and \ "wind_direction_degree \", \ "\", \ "10 wind_speed \", \ "\", \ "wind_scale \ \", \ "2"}, {\ "date \" : \ "20 The 18-11-20 \ ", \ "text_day \", \ "light rain \" and \ "13 code_day \", \ "\", \ "text_night \", \ "light rain \" and \ "code_night \", \ "13 \" and \ "on \ \", \ "25", \ "low \" : \ "21 \", \ "precip \" : \ "\", \ "wind_direction \" : \ "no sustained wind \", \ "wind_direction_degree \" : \ "\", \ "wind_speed \" : \ \ "10", \ "wind_scale \" : \ "2\"}],\"last_update\":\"2018-11-18T11:00:00+08:00\"}]}"; cJSON *root; cJSON *results; cJSON *last_update; cJSON *loc_json, *daily_json; cJSON *forecast_json; char *loc_tmp, *weather_tmp, *update_tmp; int i = 0; root = cJSON_Parse((const char*)weather_str); If (root) {/ / printf (" JSON format right: \ n \ n \ n % s ", cJSON_Print (root)); // Output json string results = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "results"); results = cJSON_GetArrayItem(results,0); if(results) { loc_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(results, "location"); Loc_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(loc_json, "id") -> valueString; Printf (" city ID: % s \ n ", loc_tmp); loc_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(loc_json, "name") -> valuestring; Printf (" City name :%s\n",loc_tmp); loc_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(loc_json, "timezone") -> valuestring; Printf (" city time zone :%s\n\n",loc_tmp); daily_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(results, "daily"); if(daily_json) { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { forecast_json = cJSON_GetArrayItem(daily_json, i); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "date") -> valuestring; Printf (" date :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "code_day") -> valuestring; Printf (" daytime weather code :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "code_night") -> valuestring; Printf (" Evening weather code :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "high") -> valuestring; Printf (" Max temperature :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "low") -> valuestring; Printf (" minimum temperature :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "wind_direction_degree") -> valuestring; Printf (" Wind Angle :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "wind_scale") -> valuestring; Printf (" wind :%s\r\n\n", weather_tmp); }} else printf("daily JSON format error \r\n"); last_update = cJSON_GetObjectItem(results, "last_update"); update_tmp = last_update->valuestring; If (last_update) {printf(" update time :%s\r\n", update_tmp); }} else {printf(" Results format error :%s\r\n", cJSON_GetErrorPtr()); }} else {printf("JSON format error \r\n"); } cJSON_Delete(root); cJSON_Delete(results); }Copy the code

Running results:

Analysis of wind weather data

JSON string:

{" HeWeather6 ": [{" basic" : {" cid ":" CN101010700 ", "location" : "changping", "parent_city" : "Beijing", "admin_area" : "Beijing", "cnty" : "Chinese", "lat" : "40.21808624", "says lon" : "116.23590851", "tz" : "+ 8.00"}, "update" : {" loc ":" the 2018-11-21 when ", "utc" : "2018-11-21 13:45" }, "status": "ok", "daily_forecast": [{ "cond_code_d": "100", "cond_code_n": "100", "cond_txt_d": "Fine," "cond_txt_n" : "clear", "date" : "2018-11-21", "hum" : "21", "Mr" : "16:02", "ms" : "04:27", "PCPN" : "0.0", "pop" : "0", "pres": "1030", "sr": "07:08", "ss": "16:53", "tmp_max": "9", "tmp_min": "-3", "uv_index": "5", "vis": "10", "wind_deg" : "323", "wind_dir" : "northwest wind", "wind_sc" : "1-2", "wind_spd" : "4"}, {" cond_code_d ":" 100 ", "cond_code_n" : "101", "cond_txt_d" : "clear", "cond_txt_n" : "cloudy", "date" : "2018-11-22", "hum" : "21", "Mr" : "blessed", "ms" : "05:33", "PCPN" : "0.0" and "pop", "0" and "pres" : "1030", "sr" : "07:09," "ss" : "hast judged", "tmp_max" : "8", "tmp_min" : "4", "uv_index" : "3", "vis" : "20", "wind_deg" : "35", "wind_dir" : "northeaster," "wind_sc" : "1-2", "wind_spd" : "5"}, {" cond_code_d ": "101", "cond_code_n" : "100", "cond_txt_d" : "cloudy", "cond_txt_n" : "clear", "date" : "2018-11-23", "hum" : "23", "Mr" : "He", "ms" : "06:41", "PCPN" : "0.0", "pop" : "16" and "pres" : "1024", "sr" : "07:10", "ss" : "hast judged", "tmp_max" : "7", "tmp_min" : "2", "uv_index" : "2", "vis" : "20", "wind_deg" : "305", "wind_dir" : "northwest wind", "wind_sc" : "1-2", "wind_spd" : "3"}}}]]Copy the code

Analytic function:

// Parse the wind weather, Void parse_heweather(void) {char heweather_str[] = "{\" HeWeather6 \ ": [{\ \" ", basic: {\ "cid \" : \ "CN101010700 \", \ "the location \" : \ "changping \", \ "parent_city \" : \ \ "Beijing", \ "admin_area \" : \ \ ", "Beijing, \ "Cnty \" : \ "China \", \ "lat \" : \ "40.21808624 \", \ "says lon \" : \ "116.23590851 \", \ "tz \" : \ \ "+ 8.00"}, \ "update \" : {\ "loc \" : \ "in the 2018-11-21 s 21:45\",\"utc\":\"2018-11-21 When \}, \ "status \", \ "ok \" and \ "daily_forecast \" : [{\ "cond_code_d \" : \ "100 \" and \ "cond_code_n \" : \ "100 \", \ "cond_txt_d \" : \ "or \", \ "c Ond_txt_n \ ", \ "or \", \ "the date \" : \ "2018-11-21 \" and \ "hum \", \ "21 \" and \ "Mr \" : \ "16:02 \", \ "\", \ "ms 04:27 \" and \ "PCPN \ \", \ "0.0", \ "pop \ \", \ "0 ",\"pres\":\"1030\",\"sr\":\"07:08\",\"ss\":\"16:53\",\"tmp_max\":\"9\",\"tmp_min\":\"-3\",\"uv_index\":\"5\",\"vis\":\" Wind_deg 10 \ ", \ "\", \ "323 \" and \ "wind_dir \" : \ "mistral \" and \ "wind_sc \", \ "1-2 \" and \ "wind_spd \" : \ "4 \"}, {\ "cond_code_d \" : \ "100 \" and \ "cond_c Ode_n \ ": \" 101 \ "and \" cond_txt_d \ ": \" clear \ "and \" cloudy cond_txt_n \ ", \ "\", \ "the date \" : \ "2018-11-22 \" and \ "hum \", \ "21 \" and \ "Mr \" : \ "blessed \" and \ "ms \ 05:33 ": \" \ ", \ "PCPN \ \", \ "0.0", \ "pop \" : \ "0 \", \ "pres \" : \ "1030 \" and \ "sr \" : \ "07:09 \" and \ "ss \" : \ "hast judged \" and \ "eight tmp_max \", \ "\", \ "tmp_m In \ ": \" 4 \ ", \ "uv_index \", \ "3 \", \ "vis \", \ "20 \" and \ "35 wind_deg \", \ "\", \ "wind_dir \" : \ "northeaster \" and \ "wind_sc \", \ "1-2 \" and \ "wind_spd \" : 5 \ \ ""}, {\" cond_code_d \ ": \" 101 \ "and \" cond_code_n \ ": \" 100 \ ", \ "cond_txt_d \" : \ "cloudy \", \ "cond_txt_n \" : \ "or \", \ "the date \" : \ "in the 2018-11-23 s \ ", \ "hum \" : \ "and \", \ "Mr \", \ "he \", \ "\", \ "ms 06:41 \" and \ "PCPN \ \", \ "0.0", \ "pop \", \ "16 \", \ "pres \" : \ "1024 \", \ "the sr \" : \ "07:10 \", \ "ss\":\"16:52\",\"tmp_max\":\"7\",\"tmp_min\":\"-2\",\"uv_index\":\"2\",\"vis\":\"20\",\"wind_deg\":\"305\",\"wind_dir\" : \ "mistral \", \ "wind_sc \" : \ "1-2 \", \ "wind_spd \" : \ \ "3"}}]]} "; cJSON *root; cJSON *results; cJSON *basic_json, *update_json, *forecast_json; cJSON *daily_json; int i = 0; char *basic_tmp, *update_tmp, *status_tmp, *weather_tmp; root = cJSON_Parse(heweather_str); if(root) { results = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "HeWeather6"); Results = cJSON_GetArrayItem(results,0); results = cJSON_GetArrayItem(results,0); if(results) { basic_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(results, "basic"); if(basic_json) { basic_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(basic_json, "cid") -> valuestring; Printf (" city ID: % s \ n ", basic_tmp); basic_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(basic_json, "location") -> valuestring; Printf (" county-level city :%s\n",basic_tmp); basic_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(basic_json, "parent_city") -> valuestring; Printf (" prefecture-level city :%s\n",basic_tmp); basic_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(basic_json, "admin_area") -> valuestring; Printf (" Province :%s\n",basic_tmp); basic_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(basic_json, "lat") -> valuestring; Printf (" latitude: % s \ n ", basic_tmp); basic_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(basic_json, "lon") -> valuestring; Longitude: printf (" % s \ n \ n ", basic_tmp); } update_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(results, "update"); if(update_json) { update_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(update_json, "loc") -> valuestring; Printf (" update time :%s(local time)\n", update_tmp); update_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(update_json, "utc") -> valuestring; Printf (" update time :%s(world time)\n\n", update_tmp); } status_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(results, "status") -> valuestring; Printf (" parse status :%s\n\n", status_tmp); daily_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(results, "daily_forecast"); if(daily_json) { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { forecast_json = cJSON_GetArrayItem(daily_json, i); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "date") -> valuestring; Printf (" date :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "cond_txt_d") -> valuestring; Printf (" Daytime weather :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "cond_txt_n") -> valuestring; Printf (" Evening weather :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "tmp_max") -> valuestring; Printf (" Max temperature :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "tmp_min") -> valuestring; Printf (" minimum temperature :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "wind_deg") -> valuestring; Printf (" Wind Angle :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "wind_dir") -> valuestring; Printf (" Wind direction :%s\r\n", weather_tmp); weather_tmp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(forecast_json, "wind_sc") -> valuestring; Printf (" wind :%s\r\n\n", weather_tmp); } } } } cJSON_Delete(root); cJSON_Delete(results); cJSON_Delete(basic_json); cJSON_Delete(update_json); cJSON_Delete(forecast_json); cJSON_Delete(daily_json); }Copy the code

Running results:

Source code download and practical API address:

  • This project CodeBlock project source code download: MyJSON
  • Online JSON format verification tool: BEJSON
  • Free weather API: Weather API

Selected historical articles:

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