Snackbar properties and description

There are 38 properties in total,

field attribute describe
title String Pop-up title text
message String Pop-up message text
colorText Color Title and Message text colors
duration Duration Duration of pop-up (default 3 seconds)
instantInit bool Snackbar can be placed in initState when false, which defaults to true
snackPosition SnackPosition When the pop-up position, there are two options [TOP, BOTTOM] default TOP
titleText Widget Pops up the title component. Setting this property invalidates the title property
messageText Widget Component of a pop-up message. Setting this property invalidates the messageText property
icon Widget Pop-up icon, displayed to the left of title and message
shouldIconPulse bool Whether the icon blinks when it is displayed. Default value: False
maxWidth double Maximum width
margin EdgeInsets Margin, zero by default
padding EdgeInsets Inner margin, default EdgeInsets. All (16)
borderRadius double Border rounded corner size, default 15
borderColor Color The color of the border must be set to borderWidth otherwise it has no effect
borderWidth double The line width of the border
backgroundColor Color Background color, default color.grey.withopacity (0.2)
leftBarIndicatorColor Color The color of the left indicator
boxShadows List Shadow color
backgroundGradient Gradient The linear color of the background
mainButton TextButton Main button, usually display send and confirm buttons
onTap OnTap Click the event callback
isDismissible bool Allows you to dismissDirection or not; use this with dismissDirection
showProgressIndicator bool Whether to display a progress bar indicator. Default is false
dismissDirection SnackDismissDirection Closing direction
progressIndicatorController AnimationController Animation controller for progress bar indicator
progressIndicatorBackgroundColor Color Background color of the progress bar indicator
progressIndicatorValueColor Animation Background color for progress bar indicator, Animation
snackStyle SnackStyle Whether it will attach to the edge of the screen
forwardAnimationCurve Curve Popup animation, default Curves. EaseOutCirc
reverseAnimationCurve Curve Disappear animation, default Curves. EaseOutCirc
animationDuration Duration Pop-up and hours of animation duration, default 1 second
barBlur double The blur of the background
overlayBlur double Frosted glass effect value when pop-up, default 0
snackbarStatus SnackbarStatusCallback Event callbacks when pop-up or disappear (About to open, Opened, About to close, Closed)
overlayColor Color Background color of frosted glass when pop-up
userInputForm Form User input form

Dialog properties and description

There are 25 attributes in total

field attribute describe
title String Popup title, default (Alert)
titlePadding EdgeInsetsGeometry Inner margin of title, default (edgeinsets.all (8))
titleStyle TextStyle Heading style
middleText String The text displayed in the middle content area
middleTextStyle TextStyle The text style displayed in the middle content area
content Widget Popup content, the value set after middleText will be invalid
contentPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry Inner margin of content, default (edgeinsets.all (8))
onConfirm VoidCallback Confirm button callback
onCancel VoidCallback Cancel button callback
onCustom VoidCallback Custom button callback
cancelTextColor Color Uncolor the button text
confirmTextColor Color Confirm the color of the button text
textConfirm String Confirm the text of the button
textCancel String Cancel button text
textCustom String Custom button text
confirm Widget Identify the components of the button
cancel Widget Cancel button component
custom Widget Components for customizing buttons
backgroundColor Color The background color of the pop-up box
barrierDismissible bool Can I close the popover by clicking on the background
buttonColor Color Button text color, depending on the button type to set different positions
radius double The size of the rounded corner of the pop-up box. The default value is 20
actions List Add additional subcomponents
onWillPop WillPopCallback Do a few things before intercepting is turned off
navigatorKey GlobalKey The key used to open the dialog box

BottomSheet properties and description

There are 15 properties in total,

field attribute describe
bottomsheet Widget Widget component that pops up
backgroundColor Color The background color
elevation double B the shadow
persistent bool Whether to add it to a route
shape ShapeBorder Border shape, generally used for rounded corner effect
clipBehavior Clip Way of tailoring
barrierColor Color The background color of the pop-up layer
ignoreSafeArea bool Whether to ignore security adaptation
isScrollControlled bool Whether full screen pop-up is supported. The default value is false
useRootNavigator bool Whether to use root navigation
isDismissible bool Click background to see if it can be turned off, default true
enableDrag bool Whether you can drag to close. Default: true
settings RouteSettings Routing setting
enterBottomSheetDuration Duration Animation time when entering
exitBottomSheetDuration Duration The animation time of exit