Boca Pioneer’s Kusama parallel chain auction is about to kick off, and boca ecology is about to explode. To this end, Vernacular blockchain together with many outstanding Boca projects gathered vernacular speakers, a daily online AMA, to discuss the story behind Boca and the future trend.

Left: Guest | Parity Asia Head of Business and Operations Helena

Right: Patract CMO Santry Huang

Chinese: Host | Vernacular blockchain in SAN Li

At 10am yesterday, Patract CMO Santry and Parity Asia’s head of business and operations, Helena, were invited to attend Parity & Patract’s First Session of the Vernacular Blockchain Boca Grande. Highlights of the interview are as follows:

“Parity’s mission is to help Boca build a rich, diverse, healthy and thriving ecosystem.

We consider establishing a comprehensive and effective funnel to select high-quality projects through layers of screening and cultivation. In this way, a systematic overall strategy can push out the selection of these ecological projects. “

Parity’s Helena, Head of Business and Operations in Asia

At the forefront of smart contracts are EVM and Wasm. Patract has been working in the field of Wasm ever since the project was established to explore further technological evolution.

The Wasm virtual machine is far more structured, complete, and efficient than the Ethereum EVM virtual machine. This means being able to address the diverse business needs of a wider range of project partners, such as DeFi, to achieve low costs and congestion.

Not only Boca, but also Solana, Dfinity and PlatON in recent years have all chosen Wasm as the new underlying engine. “

– Patract CMO Santry Huang

The following is the transcript of the interview:

1. Project Introduction

Sanli: Welcome to Helena and Santry. First of all, would you please introduce yourselves and talk about the roles of Parity and Patract in the Boca ecosystem?

ParityHelena: Hi, I’m Helena, head of business and Operations for Parity Asia Pacific. I have 10 years of experience working in product and commerce, mainly in fintech and payments, in the US offices of Visa, PayPal and Alipay.

At the same time, I also have some investment experience in entrepreneurial projects. I started to focus on blockchain in 2016 and joined Parity full-time at the end of 2019. Currently, he is responsible for ecosystem development, business partnerships and strategic operations in Asia at Parity.

Parity is the developer and creator of the Boca Network, and our official mission is to support and develop eco-projects, services, and enabling eco-parties based on Polkadot, Kusama, and Substrate.

PatractSantry: Hi, I’m CMO Santry of Patract, a technology solutions provider focused on parallel chain and DApp developers for the Wasm contract ecosystem in Boca. We help the community parallel chain design and development of on-chain contract module and Runtime support, as well as full-stack Wasm contract tools and services support for DApp developers.

We are a member of the Council of Boca and Kusama and have so far successfully initiated and approved 13 proposals to deploy validation nodes on Boca and Kusama and are also members of Substrate Builder Program.

2. The Parity layout

Parity Technologies, founded in 2015, was originally positioned to build the fastest and most secure open source software for Ethereum and distributed networks. After 2018, there is a greater focus on building the infrastructure for Web 3.0 and putting the Web back in the hands of users. There seems to be some adjustment in this middle direction. What are the considerations behind this adjustment?

ParityHelena: Right now Parity is focused on developing and writing Polkadot Networks and Substrate, open source components that make it easy to write blockchains. This change in direction is so obvious that it is the embodiment and implementation of Gavin’s ambitious vision for Web3.0.

Let me explain a few of the differences between Boca, Parity, and the Web3 Foundation:

Boca is a blockchain network, a technology product developed and maintained by Parity, a technology company. Parity has been very aggressive in the Asia Pacific market in the past year, and I believe that those who follow Boca and the boca community will feel that way. The Web3 Foundation is a parallel legal entity to Parity, enabling the Boca network at the level of legal compliance and Grant review. Do Parity and the Foundation have any specific strategies and activities for the development and growth of Boca Ecosystem in the Asia Pacific market?

ParityHelena: Our strategy for the whole market is basically to consider the establishment of a comprehensive and effective funnel, from those who have a basic knowledge of boca and blockchain, select a group of people who are willing to deeply learn Boca and Deep learning Substrate into the second layer, Then select the developers who have the ability to develop Substrate carefully from these deep cognition, and then select the better teams and projects from these people, and send them to a higher training camp through hackathons and workshops.

In this way, through layers of screening and cultivation, high-quality projects are selected to help them become boca parallel chain candidate projects and head projects. Number of developers, group activity, and the developer code contributions, as well as the ecological project is effectively reactions such as the quantity and quality of a male chain project progress and value the most true the most intuitive indicator, is also our boca fans should pay attention to the effective indicators and long-term indicators, is through the appearance to see substantial indicators.

Patract: Wasm technology stack

Patract’s mission is to accelerate the transition of the smart contract industry to the Wasm technology stack. Why would a good project like Acala, Litentry, Substance, Phala, Bifrost, etc. consider integrating or deploying Wasm contract even though Wasm technology is still immature? Can you give us a brief overview of the Wasm stack and its advantages?

PatractSantry: Among smart contracts, EVM and Wasm are at the forefront right now. Patract has been working in the field of Wasm ever since the project was established to explore further technological evolution. We believe that Wasm contracts will be the technology trend of smart contracts in the future.

As we all know, ethereum’s historical burden is somewhat heavy, constrained by the Solidity language and unable to develop complex contracts cheaply; Secondly, due to the characteristics of the middle layer of EVM virtual machine and the adoption of Gas charging rules to prevent excessive consumption of computing resources, the exchange cost is high and the execution of contract code is inefficient.

Wasm is a portable bytecode format with a small, sandboxed execution environment, developed over the years by giants like Google, Microsoft, and Apple. In terms of Wasm’s own advantages, Wasm virtual machine structure, instruction completeness and execution efficiency are far superior to Ethereum EVM virtual machine.

In terms of execution efficiency, Wasm contracts can execute at a much closer speed to machine code and perform one to two orders of magnitude better than EVM. In terms of exchange costs: With boca’s adoption of NPoS, shared security and faster Wasm virtual machines leading to a significant increase in exchange throughput, contract deployment and exchange costs can also be significantly reduced, which means that a wider range of business needs can be met.

At present, not only Boca, but also some competitive public chains in recent years, Solana, Dfinity and PlatON, all choose Wasm as the new underlying engine. Wasm is also very scalable and can meet different chain models and contract languages, so there is a lot of room for innovation and iteration.

Vernacular blockchain SAN Li: In mid-May, Patract Open Platform, initiated by Patract Labs, jointly established an Open Boca Wasm contract technology alliance with dozens of Boca ecological projects. Why would you consider launching such an alliance?

Patract Santry: We really want Wasm contracts to become widespread on blockchain, so we’re creating consortions that bring together all the stakeholders that support or are using Wasm contracts for integration or deployment to come up with solutions to ecologically common technical problems.

We also hope to collect community opinions and feedback, and propose to Parity how to improve the resource model and economic model, and how to improve the experience of using contract language and development tools. At present, there is no contract standard on Boca, and the current business is built directly with ethereum ERC standards, so we need the community to push forward.

As more and more projects support Wasm in the Boca community, we will continue to incorporate boca projects that have already integrated or deployed Wasm contract parallel chains and DApp applications, including the media community, to drive public infrastructure and the evolution of Wasm contract technology. Truly build a strong Wasm contract ecosystem.

4. Progress of parallel chain slot auction

The auction of Boca eco-card slots is coming soon. What is the progress of Parity about the launch of parallel chain slots?

Parity Helena: This morning we just announced that Kusama has been upgraded to Statemine, which means the first parallel link has come online. Take a look at this chart:

1) After passing the test online, the parallel chain code will be deployed to Kusama first for auction and then Polkadot for auction. The card slots on Kusama and Polkadot are slightly different in length, but the rules are basically the same. I’ll take Kusama as an example.

2) Based on the principle of from nothing to something, from light to heavy. In the first step, we will deploy the empty shell chain to the test network. The empty shell chain has no specific functions. Second, we deployed parallel chain registration, auction, crowdfunding and other functions to Kusuama at the same time. Step 3 After the empty shell chain runs stably on the test network, we deploy the empty shell chain to Kusama. The fourth step is to upgrade everything to Statemine through on-chain governance. Step five, if Statemine is running smoothly, we will announce the start of commercial parallel chain auctions.

3) The progress that everyone is most interested in is the progress of the technical problems that have been fixed since May 17th. I’m sure you saw Gavin’s latest tweet yesterday. We have fixed the problem and will continue to move to step 4 once the system stabilizes.

When it comes to creating and implementing unprecedented technological innovations, slow is fast, and steady progress is more valuable than a rushed arrival. When we look at the development of blockchain, we are in a very early and chaotic state, which will be a very long and wide development road. So a little bit of time now, looking back in later years, is almost negligible.

Vernacular block chain Sanli: It is understood that the successful slot auction parallel chain can be through the security of the relay chain to build their own business ecology, so you need to use contract tools, this part please give you a brief introduction?

Patract Santry: We’re looking forward to the Kusama slot auction. Kusama has great reference and adjustment significance for Boca, and also lays a solid foundation for the stable development of Boca. For Boca, the landing of parallel chains is just a key point in the development.

Once the parallel chains are actually in place, connecting each individual chain through slots will facilitate data synchronization, asset communication, and interoperability within the ecosystem. We can also use the bridge to connect to other public chains, breaking the problem of data islands.

Through the cross-chain protocol, we can realize the business combination of arbitrary chain with high degree of freedom and based on extensible Substrate framework without bifurcation, which will bring great innovation space for ecological developers.

On Boca, developers can build their desired blockchain based on the Substate framework, achieving chain-level innovation. However, the development difficulty and cost of writing a chain are too high, while the deployment difficulty and operation cost are very low by contract, and the composability of different business scenarios can be obtained. So that’s where the Patract character comes in.

As the provider of Wasm contract technology in Boca Ecology, we are also building a bridge for developers to connect contract applications. On Boca, though, developers can use Substate to build their desired blockchain, achieving chain-level innovation.

Ethereum is the first blockchain project to realize the function of smart contract. In 5 years, It has prospered with the ecosystem of Ethereum and improved the development tools, wallets and browsers. The underlying facilities and tools of Boca still need to be improved. We have completed 1/3 of the development progress, and believe that the development cycle will be shorter than that of Ethereum, preparing for the explosion of the Application layer of Boca contract.

5. What are the risks and opportunities of slot auction?

Vernacular blockchain Sanli: The competition for the boca parallel chain slot auction “head slot” is currently attracting attention, what do you think is the benefit of obtaining “head slot”? What risks and opportunities do you see in slot auctions?

Parity Helena: The Boca Slot auction has been one of the most important events in the community over the past few months, so who gets the first slot has definitely had a huge PR effect.

But I have been emphasizing with the project team at Boca Ecology that whether to participate in the card slot auction, when to participate, whether to participate in Kusama or Polkadot, these details come back to the project itself and the business itself. Each project side does not blindly fight for the “head slot” according to their business situation and their own preparation.

First, the price and performance of the first slots are unknown, which is a risk point. In addition, over time, a large number of card slots will be released, at which point the price and performance will be optimized. Therefore, I believe that the project side can make the best choice for their project situation.

Vernacular blockchain Sanli: At present, with the development and maturity of blockchain technology, more and more blockchain projects choose the way of cross-chain to solve the congestion problem. But we clearly know that there are still many problems before large-scale daily use and promotion. What do you think is the most blocking point?

PatractSantry: Strictly speaking, cross-chain is not to solve the problem of block congestion. Cross-chain is a bridge to solve the problem of connecting from each independent and dispersed block island. Data communication and asset exchange can be conducted between each other, and the real “Internet” of blockchain can be realized.

Currently, a single chain like Ethereum is stuck on the underlying structure of Pow+EVM with a transmission speed of around 10TPS/ second, which is what causes block congestion. Poka uses Pos+Wasm in the underlying structure to achieve 1000TPS/ second, and poka itself is a multi-chain structure, which can accommodate 100 parallel chains.

That means a 100-fold improvement in performance, but of course this is still theoretical, and there are still many difficulties to overcome. Since supporting 100 parallel chains means that each node has to switch data and consensus information between multiple parallel chains, the burden and complexity of the network increases exponentially.

So for now, poca is not a problem with the cross-chain technology itself, but progress is still made by ensuring shared security when connecting to the relay chain and XCMP cross-messaging links between multiple chains.

6. What are the most anticipated things compared to Ethereum Boca?

Sanli: Polkadot’s projects are mostly based on Substrate frameworks. Unlike Ethereum, Polkadot has a stable and sufficient asset scale. So why are people expecting Boca Ecology so much? What do you think is the most important thing to look forward to in Boca compared to Ethereum?

Parity Helena: I think we need to think about this not in terms of ethereum, but on a higher level, on a broader scale. We can consider what the future blockchain should have, and where can Boca enable blockchain to grow to a bigger picture? Personally, I have always felt that blockchain needs to get out of the loop, have a big application to be able to land, and integrate into the mainstream Internet users.

In this regard, the interconnection and interoperability of the underlying public chain, the high performance and stability of the system, as well as the speed and simplicity of the hairchain itself (no need to duplicate the wheel) are very necessary. It is obvious that Boca is moving in this direction at these points, that things are moving in a reasonable direction.

Therefore, even though there is no big asset lock in boca network at present, as early industry practitioners, as long as the direction is right, it is worth our efforts to promote. From this point of view, the expectation of Boca Ecology is the expectation of the new pattern of blockchain.

Vernacular blockchain Sanli: It is said that the auction of parallel chain slots will mean that Boca ecology begins to really land. By providing a powerful underlying security system, Boca enables different blockchains with various functions to coexist and communicate in this network, providing the foundation for the information autonomy of the next generation Internet Web3.0. What material impact do you think the development of Boca Ecology might have on Ethereum, or even blockchain, or the Internet?

Patract Santry: First, we can start from the structure of Boca heterogeneous multi-chain. Boca exists lower in the technology stack as the base layer of Layer0, while Ethereum is the conceptual layer of Layer1. Like Boca parallel chain, we can continue to build the contract application layer of Layer2 on top of Layer1.

We can build an Ethereum on Poka, but it’s hard to build a Poka off of It. We can use Substrate to build Ethereum, and by itself, Boca Ecology consists of ethereum single chains that can carry millions of applications in each parallel chain.

However, applications on the Ethereum single chain not only face high handling fees, but also lack of block congestion performance. With the mature ecological development, Boca is likely to become the next generation of ethereum technology platform carrying decentralized applications.

Gavin Wood proposed the concept of Web3.0 in 2014, for which he also established the Web3 Foundation, aiming to break the centralization of the Internet such as data control, privacy, trust and so on. Boca, as a new generation of blockchain protocol, is expected to become the foundation technology of the next generation of blockchain network Web3.0.

Composed of parallel chains, relay chains, and relay Bridges, Poka enables the entire network of blockchains to come together, allowing them to work and communicate seamlessly together on a scale to achieve a user-controlled, decentralized Internet.

About Patract

Patract provides solutions for parallel chain and DApp development in boca’s Wasm contract ecosystem. We help the community design and develop on-chain contract module and Runtime support, and provide DApp developers with a full stack of tools and services covering the development, testing, debugging, deployment, monitoring, data provisioning, and front-end development phases.

How to join Patract

1. For contract developers, visit the official website ( to familiarize yourself with the test chain and tool suite. Welcome to the official developer Group:

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Discord (Discord. Gg/wJ8TnTfjcq)

Search “Patract Open Platform” to follow the wechat official account

2. For parallel chain projects that will integrate Wasm contract functions, or DApp projects developed using Wasm contract, please contact [email protected] for business cooperation

3. For users, welcome to join: Telegram ( Twi…

4. For job seekers, we are recruiting blockchain development engineer, front-end/full stack development engineer, product manager, developer operation and other positions, you can contact [email protected]