One, nw-js download

The official website is

Once inside, click download SDK version and unzip it to your local directory.

2. Package the VUE project and modify the configuration file

1. Create a folder for your project package in the nw.exe directory with a custom name. (My file is grade_couplet)

2. The new package. Json

{"name": "grade_couplet", // Application name" main": "vue project access address "// Application entry page}Copy the code

3. The commissioning

  • 1. Drag the grade_couplet folder directly into the nW-exe file to see if the VUE project can run properly.
  • 2. Compress grade_couplet file into zip format and place it in the same directory as the nW-exe file. Drag grade_couplet

3. Exe Application Packaging (1)

  • 1. Change the suffix of grade_couplet. Zip to NW.
  • 2. Grade_couplet. Nw and Nw.exe will be merged.

Execute the command copy /b nw.exe+grade_couplet.nw grade_couplet.exe

  • 3. Click to execute grade_couplet. Exe file

4. Exe Application Packaging (2)

Note: the previous step of the package out of the EXE application, only local access, change a computer can not start. So pack it further

    1. Enigma Virtual Box (Enigma Virtual Box)

  • 2. Click Process and then run

  • 3. Finally package the file

5. Modify the EXE icon

Modify exe icon for Reshacker

  • 1. Drag the nw-exe file into the Reshacker file

    1. Select the required ICO icon and click Repalm to replace it

    1. Rerun three or four steps to repackage the project as an EXE