The father of JavaScript: Brandon

Born in 1961 in the United States, received a degree from physics to mathematics and computer, worked for seven years, responsible for operating system and network development and worked for another three years, responsible for microkernel and electronic signal processing related work. Joined Netscape in 1995 and developed JS functionality for its browser

The birth of JavaScript

Brandon was called in at the eleventh hour

Netscape asked for a scripting feature to be added to the browser, which the company required to ride Java traffic, and Bryden spent ten days designing the initial version of JS (not the implementation), which led to JavaScript’s many flaws.

JS naming

Mocha Mocha => LiveScript => JavaScript, Java is both a programming language and a coffee, and the browser supported both Java and JavaScript from the beginning and then JS became the dominant browser.

Browser wars

Microsoft following suit

In August 1996, IE3 released support for JScript(Microsoft implemented JS), and the browser wars began, with different scripts in each browser.

Netscape strikes back

In November 1996, Netscape submitted a language standard to ECMA. Due to copyright issues, the JS language standard was called ECMAScript instead of JavaScript.

Netscape’s death

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, bundled into Windows, quickly overtook it. In 1998, when the Netscape browser was failing and the company was in trouble at home and abroad, the company decided to take a chance and open source the browser (Firefox). At the end of the year, AOL announced it was buying Netscape, and after the acquisition, the programmers on the Netscape team were laid off and Braden helped run Firefox.

IE6 is in its heyday

In 2001, IE6 was released with Windows XP. In 2004, IE6 accounted for more than 80% of the global market. However, the browser was not compliant with W3C standards (mainly CSS). Firefox intends to rise from the ashes and beat IE again. In 2005, Internet Explorer 7 was released, but failed to beat Internet Explorer 6. In 2006, the dominant browsers were Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox. In 2010, the majority of browsers in China were Still IE6, which dominated the Chinese browser market and was the bane of front-end developers for years due to the popularity of pirated Windows XP in China.

Chrome came out of nowhere

Microsoft slacking off

Due to IE6’s huge success, Microsoft decided it wasn’t worth the effort and there was no competition, so they simply disbanded the IE6 development team. The emergence of Firefox led Microsoft to reassemble the IE team, but not the same people, causing persistent problems with IE7 and 8.

Google seized the opportunity

In 2004, Google hired some Firefox and Internet Explorer developers. Chrome was finally released in 2008 and quickly grabbed 1% of the market. In 2011, Chrome overtook Firefox. In 2016, Chrome had a 62% global share.

Rise of mobile market

In 2010, the iPhone 4 was released. In 2011, Microsoft and Nokia teamed up to do a bunch of things and the next thing you know, the Nokia phone business is dead. In other words, Internet Explorer is basically gone. Front-end programmers are ecstatic that IE is finally dying. In 2016, Taobao Tmall announced that it would no longer support IE6 and IE7. At the end of the same year, it announced that it would no longer support IE8. The rise of the mobile market, let the Front end of China from IE ten years of terror control, rapid development

Development of the ECMAScript standard

In June 1997, the first version of ECMAScript was released. In December 1999, version 3 was released, and this version is the most widely used version 4, abortion. In December 2009, version 5 was released, adding some features. ECMAScript is the paper standard. JS is the implementation of browsers. Paper standards tend to lag behind browsers, implementing them first and then writing them into the standard.

JavaScript rise

At the time, people thought the web should only be used for news and photos. Gmail’s announcement was a big surprise to users and developers alike. In 2005, Jesse named the technology Google was using AJAX. From then on, front-end technology officially appeared. Prior to that, web development was done by the back end and designers. When jQuery was released in 2006, a decade after the oldest JS library in existence, it took off until Internet Explorer went out of business.

Outbreak of JavaScript

Chrome’s JS engine is called V8 (V1 to V7 are different languages). In 2009, Ryan created Node.js based on V8. In 2010, LSAAC wrote NPM based on Node.js. Front-end engineers were able to execute JS outside of the browser, and Node.js quickly became popular. In the same year, TJ released Express.js, inspired by Sinatra. Since then, front-end engineers have been able to happily write back-end applications. Many of the technologies that came out during this period, such as Gulp, Grunt, Yeoman, Requirejs, Webpack, Angular, React, Vue, etc., have also become obsolete.