Outline of the label

<! DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta Name ="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body>! - the head of your webpage - > < header > < div class = "logo" > page logo < / div > <! Navigation bar --> <nav> Navigation bar </nav> </header> <! -- The core of the page --> <main> <! <aside> </aside> <! <article> <h1> <section> Section 1</section> <section> Section 2</section> <section> Section 3</section> </article> </main> <! Footer --> <footer> </footer> </body> </ HTML >Copy the code

Semantic tag

Span tags:

The SPAN tag is a "block" tag in text that doesn't have any special effects on its own and can be combined with CSS to enrich the styleCopy the code


Bold wordsCopy the code

U tags:

The underlineCopy the code

I label:

Slant the textCopy the code

Although b, U, and I tags have been replaced by CSS, they are sometimes used in web pages to indicate text that needs to be emphasized

Strong tags:

Words of particular importanceCopy the code

Em tags:

Emphasize wordsCopy the code

Mark labels:

Represents a paragraph of text that needs to be highlightedCopy the code

Figure and Figcaption tags

The figure element represents a single piece of content. It is used with the Caption, which is a single reference unit, such as an image that suggests the reader expand his or her horizons, and does not affect the body when it is transferred to an appendix or other web page. Not all pictures should be placed in figure. Pictures in Figure will not affect the overall reading. When using labels, appropriate labels should be selected according to semanticsCopy the code