I wish you all an energetic new week.

This week we updated a very important feature!! The Uirush asset library can now be sorted by large categories, whether the asset is charged or not, and the file format of the asset.

Once you go to Uirush.net, click on “All Materials”, for example, select “UI Kits”, then check “Free Materials” and file “Sketch”, and you can see all the materials in this category in all Sketch format.

When selecting other categories such as “PPT”, remember to leave “Sketch” unchecked because the only materials in the PPT category are “Keynote” or “Powerpoint”.

In addition, some of the most popular hashtags have also been released. If you need more, click “View All Labels”.

Up to today, there are 5370 sets of materials on the website, and they are being updated daily. With a better Filter feature, it will be easier to Filter out earlier releases.

The Filter function of mobile terminal is also under optimization, please look forward to ING

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