1. Complete error:
ImportError: Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy. If  you're working with a numpy git repo, try `git clean -xdf` (removes all files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy. Original error was: DLL load failed:Copy the code

The causes of errors may not be the same, but the solutions are the same. Please refer to 5 2. Translation:

Import exception: Failed to import most numpy extension modules. It is likely that you are trying to import a failed Numpy build. If you are using a Numpy Git repurchase, try git clean-xdf(delete all files that are not under version control). Otherwise, reinstall Numpy. DLL failed to load: – MY bug appears:

The import matplotlib libraryCopy the code

– reason:

Numpy version issues require an updated version, but the solution varies depending on the Python control component usedCopy the code

– Solution:

  • Conda upgrade numpy can be used to upgrade the anconda numpy and other libraries. Aconda will update the other components as shown in the figure below:
  • The second PIP installation of Numpy, can be directlypip install --upgrade numpy.You can also uninstall and then clear the remaining numpy files
  • If it were any other management tool, the effect would be the same, but there is no test
  • If not, it is recommended to install PIP first or use anconda instead