Yes, after Ali, Tencent, Huawei also finally open source their own JDK – BI Sheng JDK!

For free! For free! Free!!

Oracle panicking?

Used the JDK

Bi Sheng JDK is huawei internal

The open source version of the Customized Huawei JDK is a high-performance OpenJDK distribution that can be used in production environments.

Huawei JDK runs on more than 500 Huawei internal products, accumulating a large number of application scenarios and problems and demands from Java developers, solving many problems encountered in the actual operation of the business, and optimizing the performance on the ARM architecture. The Bisheng JDK can achieve better performance when running in big data scenarios.

Bison JDK 8 is compatible with Java SE standard, and is the downstream of OpenJDK. It fixes some performance and stability problems encountered in huawei internal application scenarios, and optimizes performance and enhances stability on ARM architecture, making it more stable on ARM architecture. Better performance can be achieved in scenarios such as big data.

Bison JDK is and will continue to contribute to the OpenJDK community.

Platform support

1) The BTC JDK currently supports only two LTS versions based on OpenJDK 8 and 11.

2) The BTC JDK currently supports Linux/AArch64 platforms.

The installation guide

You can install the Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) using the tar package format or yum source.

The JDK is a superset of the JRE that contains all the content of the JRE and includes the compiler and debugger required by developers such as Javac/JDB.

The JRE provides runtime libraries, Java virtual machines, and other components necessary to run Java applications. Note that the JRE contains not only content from the Java SE specification, but also content commonly used by Java applications outside the specification.

You can install it in either of the following ways:

1. Tar package format (.tar.gz)

This way you can install the JDK anywhere on your system without impacting other JDKS on your system. However, this method requires some manual Settings by the user, as shown in the table below.

2. Install from the YUM source

This way you can install the JDK to a fixed path on your system and make it available to all users, requiring root permission. Only The openEuler operating system supports this operation. For details, see the following table.

The download file

Operational guidelines for school official cites use

Support structure

Permissions Required for Installation


Install JDK 8 on Linux/AArch64 platform

1) Download the package bisheng-JDK-8u262-linux-aarch64.tar.gz.

2) Go to the directory where you want to install the JDK and copy the.tar.gz package to the current directory.

$ cd /path/to/jdk

3) Decompress the.tar.gz package:

$ tar zxvf bisheng-jdk-8u262-linux-aarch64.tar.gz

The JDK installation directory is JKG-8U262, and the public number of Java Technology stack is available for the Java8 series tutorials I wrote.

4) If you want to save disk space, you can delete the.tar.gz zip package.

Install JRE 8 on Linux/AArch64

1) Download bisheng-jre-8u262-linux-aarch64.tar.gz.

2) Go to the directory where you want to install the JDK and copy the.tar.gz package to the current directory.

$ cd /path/to/jre

3) Decompress the.tar.gz package:

$ tar zxvf bisheng-jre-8u262-linux-aarch64.tar.gz

The installation directory of JRE is JRE-8U262.

Reference/open source address:…

Finally, with alibaba, Tencent, Huawei and other big companies have launched their own JDK, how far can Oracle JDK charge?