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2. Elance Elance

Founded in 1999, mountain View, California, USA, is one of the best outsourcing sites in the world. Elance helps companies hire and manage professionals online and get project work done. Elance also provides individuals, teams and outsourcing companies with an unlimited time and place to find projects. The site also provides a number of great tools to help contractors and contractors navigate projects and billing. This is very suitable for tapping into foreign markets.

 3. oDesk oDesk

Founded in 2002 and based in Menlo Park, California, it is also one of the best outsourcing sites in the world. Founded later than other outsourcing sites, but growing very quickly. ODesk has grown exponentially every year since 2004, according to its official introduction. VastWork’s statistics show that the number of projects paid by the hour on oDesk is much higher than on other project outsourcing sites. ODesk claims to be a unique way for employers to get an hour’s work for an hour’s cost. Similarly, oDesk ensures that recipients are paid for each hour they work. This platform is certainly a good choice for companies and teams looking for stability.

 4. Freelancer Freelancer

Founded in February 2004, the company is located in Sydney, Australia, and also has a branch office in Sweden. It is one of the most active outsourcing sites in the world. The official website claims to have more than 1.8 million registered members since its inception. It is one of two foreign project outsourcing sites, the other being Guru, that claim to have more than 1m users. The site is cheaper than Elance to pick up projects, but the site’s downside is that the amounts are generally small. This is an outsourcing platform for small groups. Recommend a translation software: Youdao, you can translate the entire website. Finally, WISH you finish your first order of the opening year as soon as possible.