The black box, BlackBox

BlackBox is a virtual engine that can clone and run virtual applications on Android without installation. The black box can take control of the virtual application being run and do whatever it wants.

Project statement

  • Purely personal project, unsatisfactory place many, understand long live. For completeness and future plans, see GitHub
  • This project is open source, and Clone can directly compile the finished product.
  • This project is divided into 32 bit and 64 bit. Currently, there are two different apps. If the app to be opened cannot be found in the list, it is not supported.

Xposed module support

  • Xposed module has been supported to run and Vxp is different, the current multi-user environment, installed XP module will be synchronized to all users, each user can be configured separately. Can support module by user hook.
  • Xposed has been detected, Xposed Checker all green

Open source address, give a little star…

App Screenshot: