Everyone is unique, and everyone has personality deviation. In daily life, we are busy with our own personality. Under the influence of not enough for study, life and work, we think we are healthy personality, otherwise it belongs to personality disorder.

Personality disorders bring great influence to our daily life, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, deterioration of interpersonal relationship and many other troubles….

(Free) Anxiety test (SAS) www.zxgj.cn/g/jiaolv

(Free) Depression Test (SDS) www.zxgj.cn/g/yiyuzheng

Personality disorder test (professional level test, not free) www.zxgj.cn/g/pdq4

The MMPI Minnesota Multiple Personality Test (Professional level, not free) www.zxgj.cn/g/mmpi

A personality disorder is a marked departure from normal and ingrained behaviour that is maladaptive in nature and causes suffering or suffering to others, or has serious consequences for the individual or society.

Personality disorder judgment

1, symptoms of wikipedia has a relatively complete specification, each type has a personality disorder, can be simple and rough comparison, the advantage is easy, but nothing too much useless, the vast majority of people are on the parts, and some not, right after symptoms, used to be a doubt yourself, it’s still doubt yourself, do not have what change.

There are professional assessment scales, pdQ-4 +, called the Personality Disorder Screening Scale, and the MMPI Minnesota Multiple Personality Test. A little more scientific and accurate than the first one.

3. Seeing a doctor is the right route because only a doctor is qualified to diagnose and confirm the diagnosis. But to the friend of self-doubt, oneself do an evaluation also have no, test result prompt has abnormal go to the hospital to check again also is good way.