What are Agile development patterns and iterations?

Agile development mode starting in the 1990 s gradually caused wide public concern, it is a response to the rapidly changing needs of the software development model, but also a concept at the same time, more emphasis on the programmer team work closely with business experts, the sustainability of priority based on user feedback and demand to release often product version and iteration, constantly improve the product. It’s all about sprinting and iterating. In the past, the requirements of enterprise development were complete, clear and fixed, and the product definition was stable. Therefore, enterprises often adopted the waterfall development mode of top-down, interconnected and fixed order in project development. Now, with the rapid development of the Internet in China, things can change dramatically in a matter of weeks. Both startups and large enterprises will face the problem of more and more frequent demand changes, which requires an efficient team to promote rapid product iteration. Compared with the linear development mode of waterfall development, agile development can more flexibly adapt to the needs and changes of users, and is more suitable for the rapid pace of development of the Internet today, so it is more and more attention and application of enterprise RESEARCH and development.

The classic agile development process

At the heart of agile development are: people, products, collaboration, and iteration. The agile development advocates developing products, in the form of iterative development is a completely after all workflow process: requirements, analysis, design, implementation and testing process, all stage can be subdivided into iterations, and part of the complete system functions in one iteration or the development of the business logic. Through this continuous iteration, improvement and delivery of products in a short cycle, customer satisfaction.

What are the advantages of iteration?

Iteration helps the team improve the product and keep track of the project schedule. An iteration may release one or more features, and an iteration contains all the development and other tasks required for these new features. At the same time, iteration reduces the expense risk of increasing requirements. If a developer makes a mistake in an iteration, it may only cost that iteration. It also reduces the risk that the product will not be delivered on time. Address potential problems with the product early by continually identifying risks and submitting defects in early product iterations. In ONES Project, we can track the development progress through iteration to make the Project management more orderly and efficient.

How is it implemented in ONES?

In The ONES Project, you can create and plan iterations, track their progress, review and precipitate iterations. Here’s a closer look at how the iterative process is implemented in ONES.

1. Create and plan iterations

Planning iteration

2. Split tasks: After determining the requirements to be completed in the current iteration, it can be divided into various tasks and assigned to designers and R&D personnel.

3. Track and manage iteration progress: During development, iteration progress can be tracked through burndown charts and agile Kanban in the Iteration Overview in The ONES Project. At the same time, THE ONES Project can be combined with the ONES Pipeline to track and analyze code submission and continuous integration results by associating various development tools. You can also add an “Iteration Overview” card to the dashboard to make it easier to see the progress of an iteration.

Iterative overview

  • What is burnout diagram? Burndown diagrams are a visual representation of the amount of work remaining before the iteration is complete. It consists of a horizontal axis (X) and a vertical axis (Y), the horizontal axis represents time, the vertical axis represents the remaining work. The solid blue line represents the number of uncompleted tasks remaining at the end of the day; The blue dotted line is the baseline, indicating the expected progress of the work. When the amount of work remaining is higher than the baseline, it indicates that the progress is urgent and the target may not be achieved on time. When the remaining workload is lower than the baseline, the progress is optimistic and the workload may even be completed ahead of the cycle.

Burnout figure

  • What is Agile Kanban? During iterations, teams can browse and track project progress in the form of cards through agile Kanban views. Let the members know the iteration status at a glance to achieve the effect of information sharing.

Agile kanban

4, review and precipitation of iteration: when an iteration is complete and released after the project manager to organize all the members of the iterative development process review, check what happened, analyze their own ways of working, find the ways to improve, make improvement plan, and the corresponding experience, combined with the ONES Wiki settling down in the form of document.

Combining agile development and DevOps best practices, ONES software development project management is suitable for all industries and r&d teams of all sizes. Help the team to control the product rhythm, track the development progress and quality, and deliver products efficiently and with high quality.