Project introduction

The watchman routing gateway project receives front-end HTTP requests and forwards them to back-end service systems, functional security verification, traffic limiting, and forwarding.

Technology used: Spring Boot + Nreflix Zuul, slF4J + Log4j deployment method was used in the beginning of the log into JAR package, internal use is Tomcat container, set the number of threads 600.

As a principle

First, let’s introduce the working principle of Zuul. In the figure, zuul defines four types of filter

1. Pre executes the request before it arrives at Origin. In this step, you can perform authentication, select a forwarding address, and record logs

2.Routing Establish HTTP requests using httpClient or Netflix ribbon

3.Post returns the request. You can perform statistical collection in this step, set the HTTP heder for response, and send the request back to the client

4.Error This command is executed when an Error occurs in the preceding steps

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The problem

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Performance pressure test, TPS only more than 400, open concurrent 10 threads and 100 threads the same results

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Analysis of the

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Watchman has no business logic, no database connections, no frequent IO operations, only security checking classes and stream limiting classes

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Using jprofiler analysis, first look at the CALL Tree under CPU views, method call link stack,

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In terms of the percentage of call time, the highest percentage is WrappingRunable with 10 HTTP with a high percentage below, these 10 HTTP are the interfaces of this pressure test. Each interface has a similar occupancy ratio. Expand the first 9%

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Why does a route take so long to preroute

An incoming request is processed by three types of filters: prefilter, route, and preroute. There are only two Prefilters in the Pre package of this development, one is AppUrsTokenPreFilter, which is used to check app request uncheck, and the other prefilter is used to control the flow. I carefully checked the code and found no problem. There are five Prefilter classes in the Spring source package. Look at the code no problem, no problem found in another direction

Cpuload guess

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From the view of CPU load, it is always very high, which can be inferred that CPU is related to calculation, and then there is dynamic MD5 calculation in AppUrsTokenPreFilter filter, which may be related to this class. After verification, the class is excluded from the container, and the pressure test is continued, and the final result is consistent with the previous one, but the CPU does not drop, which is speculated wrong

Pile of GC analysis

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All clear. Keep changing direction

Thread dump analysis

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By observing thread monitoring, it can be found that only 5 threads are in runnable state when 50 threads are concurrent, and the rest are BLOCKED and waiting. When the number of threads is added to 200, runnable still only runs in single digits, and 194 threads are BLOCKED, as shown in the figure. Here you can guess that the code has a lot of lock contention

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Blocked is searched globally for line 12 blocked using jStack to dump thread logs

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Loadclass… loadclass… loadclass… The problem has been found

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Now look at where FormBodyWrapperFilter is called on line 137. Look at the code. Spring has a built-in prefilter function that converts parameters to form requests. Using the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, among them in the constructor

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Call again Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder, continue to look at the code

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Continue to look at the code Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder this class

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Continue to look at the code, or Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder in this class

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We’re almost at the source, continue, this time to the Classutils class

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The forname method is too long and I just truncated the key part

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Loadclass uses a synchronous lock

Problem solving method to disable the spring bring the prefilter class zuulzuul. FormBodyWrapperFilter. Pre. Disable = true, change after the redeployment of pressure measurement, the moment

It’s not over yet

After adding the comments to the two Prefilter codes written by myself, the TPS is only half (the red line is kill).

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Continue to view thread dump. Yes you read that right log4J has become a bottleneck

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See the log4j source

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As can be seen from this side, loggingEvents are synchronized when forwarding to each appender. Even if you use asycAppender, there is no effect. The solution is to use Logback and pressure test, and the average 4k+ is acceptable

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