This is the 12th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021


  • Recently, Xiao Wang, who is responsible for project operation and maintenance in our department, has frequently received feedback from Party A that after logging in to the project using Google Browser, the browser will automatically flash back and crash 2 seconds after clicking the processing button. Mr. Wang has been struggling for a week, but he hasn’t found the cause of the problem. The clients of Party A have reported their problems to the project manager. The project manager put down a harsh word to Xiao Wang, “The customer will call me tomorrow, and you will never have a chance to wear slippers to work again.”
  • Wang disturbed the hair left in the middle of the head, a face of injustice to look at me, but in a little deep feeling
  • “Chova big brother, please help me look ~ later tonight to accompany you to work out!”
  • Watching his expectant eyes, I felt a little nervous and nervously opened the Google browser…… on his computer

Problem one: Problem event BEX browser stops working

  • After clicking the problem solving page in the project, the cursor turns in a circle, and 2 seconds later, the pop-up box indicates that Google Chrome has stopped working


  • The DLL file conflicts with the browser. Procedure

To solve

Delete the DLL file that causes the conflict

  • Click for problem details to see the problem signature for the browser crash
Problem signature: Problem event Name: BEX Application name: Chrome.exe Application version: 69.0.3497.100 Application timestamp: 5b9CBd4f Faulty module name: BrowserUrl.dll Faulty module version: Fault module Timestamp: 5F4B9830 Abnormal Offset: 00004138 Abnormal code: C0000409 Abnormal data: 00000000 OS version: 6.1.7601. Region ID: 2052 other information 1:031 a other information 2:3:031 ac9a5aca2c7bab1c2347d68169e05 other information e951 other information 4: e951aede12191034f862a087b85a801aCopy the code
  • The name of the faulty module in the problem signature is the DLL file that caused the browser to crash
  • To view the location of the loaded DLL file, enter the following path in the browser navigation bar:
Copy the code
  • Back up the original DLL to other folders for subsequent restoration
  • Remove conflicting DLL files from the software in the software folder

Fix the software causing the conflict

  • Removing the DLL that caused the conflict is only a temporary solution to the problem of the browser stopping
  • Because the DLL file is dependent on the operation of the software, if it is deleted casually, the software itself will run abnormally
  • To completely resolve the BEX problem, you need to repair the software that causes the conflict. Most of the software is faulty. You are advised to download the official software

Problem 2: Google Browser flashes back

  • After clicking the problem solving page in the project to jump, the cursor will turn in a circle and the browser will blink back and disappear 2 seconds later
  • The project was deployed on the same server and tested on different machines, with problems only appearing on some of them


  • Since the problem only appeared on some computers, it was preliminarily determined not to be a problem of the project, and the problem was investigated from the system direction
  • For the computer with no problem and the computer with problem, it is preliminarily determined that the security policy configuration in the computer with problem causes the browser access to flash back and crash

To solve

Deleting a Security Policy

  • Enter the control panel and click user account to check whether the current user is an administrator account
  • A dialog box is displayed indicating that you need administrator permission to modify the policy file in drive C
  • Open run Enter gpedit. MSC to open the local policy group
  • Access user account control in the local policy group Control other accounts in administrator approval mode
  • Disable user account control and restart the computer
  • After booting, enter disk C to delete operation files directly

Adding User Rights

  • View the current user account in accounts in the system
  • Click on this computer, select the Security TAB in properties, and select Advanced
  • Change the current user account to the owner and replace the owners of child containers and objects
  • Add and inherit full control permissions for the current user account in permissions

Problem 3: Error code STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH browser crashes

  • Google Chrome crashes with error code STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH
  • The Google Chrome plug-in displays an error message


  • Renderer Code Integrity Protection has been reenabled for Google Chrome in version 79. This will cause modules not signed by Google or Microsoft to be blocked from loading

To solve

Disable renderer code integrity protection

  • Disable renderer code integrity protection through files (recommended) :
    • Open run Input Regedit to enter the registry editor
    • Go to the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Google \ Chrome
    • In the window on the right, right-click New and select the DWORD(32-bit) value to create a new key
    • Double-click the new keys, amend the name of the value to RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled, and the value data input is zero
    • Restart Google Chrome
  • Disable renderer code integrity protection with the command:
    • To turn run on, type the following command to disable renderer code integrity protection. The rest of the features are disabled in a similar manner
    chrome.exe --disable-features=RendererCodeIntegrity
    Copy the code


Windows checks the event log

  • Right-click the start icon to open the event viewer
  • Click on Applications and Services to go to Microsoft => Windows => CodeIntegrity => Operable
  • Search for the event whose ID is 3033
  • Clicking on the details of the problem event displays the name and location of the DLL file that crashed the browser

Google Chrome displays the list of modules loaded

  • In the navigation bar, enter the following path to display information about each module:
Copy the code

A little thought

  • This BUG is the most impressive BUG among the thousands of BUG projects I have repaired. The abnormal crash of Google Browser flash back caused by the problem event BEX. This BUG is particularly difficult to find and solve because of its irreproducibility. It is this BUG solution process that makes me understand the importance of practical experience of a siege lion in the process of project development and maintenance. More thinking, more practice and more accumulation of experience are the only way for a siege lion to grow.