There are many tools in the EOS software stack. Many of the tutorials we’ve seen explain how to run everything on a single machine. This can be confusing, as it often makes the reader lose sight of how they fit together.

The figure below shows how these tools are normally distributed. The tool name is written in bright red letters in the image. Here’s a quick summary, and it’s easy to see how it works:

  • Eosiocpp: a compiler that allows you to compile C++ into a format that can be uploaded to the blockchain.
  • Cleos: Command line tool for uploading smart contracts to and querying blockchains.
  • Keosd: A wallet manager that runs as a daemon. The CLEOS tool interacts with it to sign the request (which is needed to trust your request to the blockchain).
  • Nodeos: Server software that runs the blockchain itself.

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EOS tutorial

This course will help you get a quick introduction to the development of EOS blockchain decentralized applications. It covers core knowledge points such as EOS tool chain, account and wallet, issuing tokens, development and deployment of smart contracts, and interaction between codes and smart contracts. Finally, a note DApp will be developed using all knowledge points comprehensively.

Huizhi net original translation, reprint please indicate the source. Here is the original text