Once and for all, use PicGo + GitHub to build your own photo bed

If you’re a regular blogger, you know how important it is to have a stable, usable chart bed. I have used qiniuyun + Mpic and Weibo chart bed before, but I always feel that it is troublesome to configure and not very easy to use. And, more worryingly, what if one day the map service doesn’t work? All the pictures before that are dead.

Until I came across PicGo + GitHub, which eliminated all my concerns and is simple to configure and elegant to use. With GitHub and Microsoft on its back, stability issues are rarely a concern. There is also support for Windows, macOS and Linux platforms.

The only downside, if any, is privacy. Since all images are uploaded to a public repository on GitHub, it’s not appropriate to care about that. But what I post are illustrations from technical articles, which is not a problem for me at all.

Here is how to teach you how to configure, very simple.

Configuration making

New warehouse:

Note here: The repository must be set to Public. Since client access is considered external access, it is not possible to access Private, so images can only be stored and not displayed after being uploaded.

Once the repository is set up, click on the upper right corner of the page to go to Settings:

Then go to Developer Settings:

Click on Personal Access Tokens and click Generate New Tokens.

Enter the Notes information and select the token expiration time. GitHub strongly recommends not setting it to permanent for security purposes. This you choose according to their actual situation, after the expiration of the generation can be.

Check boxes, repO must select all, the other does not matter, I have checked all.

Once confirmed, the token we need is generated.

Configuration PicGo

Download PicGo: Click on the download address and install it.

  • Set the repository name: the repository created on GitHub above.
  • Set the branch name to main.
  • Set Token: The Token generated above.
  • Specify the storage path: if it is empty, upload to the following directory or specify the path.
  • Set a custom domain name: can be null, pictures here in order to use the CDN to accelerate the access speed, according to this format to fill out: cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/GitHub username/warehouse

Once configured, it is ready to use.

Drag and drop, or click upload.

Once the upload is successful, you can see it in the GitHub repository.

Finally, copy the outer link in the album and paste it into our Markdown document to see the image.

I hope you have a good time.

Warmly recommend:

  • Tech blog: Core backend tech blogs, including Python, Django, Docker, Go, Redis, ElasticSearch, Kafka, Linux, and more.
  • Go programmers: Go learning roadmap, including basic column, advanced column, source reading, actual combat development, interview brush, required reading list and a series of resources.
  • Interview questions: Python, Go, Redis, MySQL, Kafka, data structures, algorithms, programming, networking, etc.