The opening

Do you know how to treat the project experience in the interview process? Everyone in and the interviewer in the basic knowledge of you back and forth, the interviewer is very interested in you: young man I see your skeleton surprise, a look is a good seedling of front-end development. Can you show me what kind of projects you’ve worked on? What do you think are the technical difficulties in your project? How did you solve it? Yi??????? A good project three times, I have not done, there is no difficulty, I do not know how to solve, it is fine by itself. The interviewer will tell you euphemistically: You go out! Well you go out of course is joking, since talk about the project so your basic knowledge should be recognized. So be sure to find out how well you’re applying this knowledge, and if you have project experience on your resume that the interviewer might be interested in, ask about it.

We have analyzed this purpose, and if we want to do a project to add shine to our school recruitment or internship recruitment, we need to deal with it.

1 exquisite connotation than pretentious imitation projects to be more appropriate.

In this all over the sky is my 2W dollars to do a Taobao, 5000 dollars to a Baidu joke, you just make a copy of JINGdong, taobao copy of the electricity business. Do you think the interviewer is interested in this project? The interviewer a look yo young man (little girl) diao pole, a person imitated a taobao, you zha not heaven?? So at this time you are your product manager, do a delicate small project, such as a notepad, study notes these can be very delicate, there is a very clever solution in it. Refined doesn’t mean simple. Every feature is polished. Such projects fit well with the student identity, include your ideas, show some understanding of the product and technical implementation. (Developers need to have some understanding of the product, because they need to judge and say no to features that are difficult to implement early in the development process)

The technology stack doesn’t have to be the latest in the industry, but there are reasons why you choose it.

For example, if you want to be a popular e-commerce platform, there is no problem with your technical selection of Jquery1.x. For better compatibility in the future, you choose Jquery1.x, because SEO chooses multi-page applications, and then some of the content can be well combined with the use of Jquery1.x. Beautiful, there are things. We are not blindly embracing new technology. Angular + TS + RXJS or vue+vuex+ vue-Router can also be used as a react bucket, so why choose this stack? React projects need strong type checking. Angular is for you, component-based development + JSX. If you’re good at it and you like react, choose React. You also have a certain understanding of the characteristics of the corresponding technology stack, which also shows that you have a certain understanding of the application scenario of the framework, and also shows that your project has indeed made a certain consideration and technical choice. What if you make the wrong choice? When the interviewer tells you why it’s wrong, you’re flattered that you got a rare promotion.

3. It is not necessary to be in charge of a complete project by yourself, but it is ok if one of the modules is in your charge

I am responsible for the list display and detail page of this project. How I for the transmission of data of the back-end processing, chose a certain in the asynchronous request asynchronous data segmentation, split one-time blocking the main thread of the time, can reduce the wait for the user, page scroll when select throttling, reduce invalid ajax requests and so on, to oneself is responsible for the content of the module, to comb. In the realization of technology has its own bright spot. The most important thing is that it can reflect their ability to deal with the problem in collaborative development process, how to carry on the interface design and backend and cooperation, how to cooperate with front-end partners and division of labor, the interviewer when the candidates must want a cooperation ability is strong, is sure to veto a self-centered, unable to cooperate with people of applicants.

GitHub will have some discussions with the online project

How will the interviewer see your project visually? That’s a problem. After you’ve been talking excitedly for a long time, and the interviewer just can’t get the picture, what should I do?? I showed him the computer. I don’t know what to do. Okay, this is an awkward question. If you have an online project you can easily present it online, and if your project is uploaded to GitHub it will be easy for the interviewer to see your code style. Words are nothing but words. Dude, I showed you all this stuff, so you know I’m telling the truth.

Students also need their own structure, not to be correct, but to have their own ideas.

What is the structure of your project? Structure? No structure? I do what the official template looks like. I don’t know why I wrote it that way. Interviewer: Well, if you can write it out, you’re awesome. Your project should have a basic structural design. The division of modules, the encapsulation and extraction of tool classes, the encapsulation and extraction of Ajax layer (this specific business analysis), the extraction of common CSS style, the design of common components (SPA will be designed more clearly). You should have the utils folder, a bunch of module file names, and CSS common style files in your SRC directory. Well, the structure of the project is not necessarily the most reasonable, but it reflects some of your ideas. Even if you have unreasonable design, whatever, I can learn, but have no concept? So what are you studying?

I don’t think that’s what we’re going to talk about. After all, there is a significant gap between the difficulty of our individual learning projects and enterprise projects, and it is difficult for you to achieve the scale and business difficulty of enterprise projects. But how do you express your development ideas? Be about to think from above.


Imperceptibly another output, the mood elated. At the same time, I would like to thank the person who left a message to provide suggestions, who gave me such a direction and learning plan method. At present, the personal learning plan is put on the knowledge related to synchronous asynchronous single thread. People who have the same interest can bombard me with your hot messages in the message area.