“This is the 28th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

Hello, everyone, I touch fish small public, the real strong, will not complain, if you do not want to be looked down upon by others, you only pay more than others ten times a hundred times more efforts, to stand higher than others! The last article was JavaScript JSON. Today we are going to look at the common usage of antV/G2 charts.

Two ways to install

1. Introduce online resources

< script SRC = "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/os/lib/antv/g2/3.4.10/dist/g2.min.js" > < / script >Copy the code

2. NPM installation

npm install @antv/g2 --save

import { Chart} from "@antv/g2";
Copy the code

Start with the HTML code for the chart below

<div class="main"> <div class="section"> <div class="smallTitle"> Comparison of population of Provinces in China in recent two years </div> <div id="container"></div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="smallTitle"> </div> <div id="container_one"></div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="smallTitle"></div> <div id="container_two"></div> </div> <div class="section"> <div Class ="smallTitle"> </div> <div id="container_three"></div>Copy the code

Then the CSS code for the diagram below

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.section {
  width: 50%;
  height: 500px;
  float: left;
#container_two {
  height: 400px;
  border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
#container_two {
  margin-top: 100px;
#container_one {
  height: 400px;
Copy the code

Use group bar charts

1. Prepare the data source, which is divided into two types: one is 2021 and the other is 2022.

Const data = [{year: "2021", province: "guangdong ", population: 1.26}, {year: "2021", province:" Shandong ", population: 1.01}, {year: "2021", province: "Henan", population: 0.99}, {year: "2021", the province: "jiangsu", population: 0.84}, {year: "2021", the province: "sichuan", population: 0.83}, {year: "2021", the province: "Hebei province", the population: 0.74}, {year: "2021", the province: "hunan", population: 0.66}, {year: "2021", the province: "zhejiang", population: 0.64}, {year: "2022", the province: "Guangdong province", the population: 1.04}, {year: "2022", the province: "shandong", population: 0.95}, {year: "2022", the province: "henan", population: 0.94}, {year: "2022", the province: "Jiangsu province", the population: 0.78}, {year: "2022", the province: "sichuan", population: 0.8}, {year: "2022", the province: "hebei", population: 0.71}, {year: "2022", the province: "Hunan", population: 0.65}, {year: "2022", the province: "zhejiang", population: 0.59}];Copy the code

Initialize the Chart object and load the data source.

 const chart = new Chart({
   container: "container",
   autoFit: true,
   height: 500

Copy the code

3. Set the display of Y-axis data and units as well as the custom title

Note: the chart scale and axis methods must be used at the same time otherwise the Y axis custom heading will be invalid

Chart. Scale (" population ", {alias: "population (million)," Max: 2, min: 0}). Chart. axis(" population ", {// set the display style of the Y axis custom title: {offset: 50}});Copy the code

4, set the mouse to move to a data prompt box

  showMarkers: false,
  shared: true

Copy the code

5. Create graph syntax and draw a bar chart. The position of the graph is determined by the two attributes of province and population

Chart.interval ().position(" province * population size ").color("year").adjust([{type: "dodge",marginRatio: 0}]);Copy the code

6. Set the display of legend

  position: "top"
Copy the code

7. Add the interactive display of adjustment charts and users

Copy the code

8. Render diagrams

Copy the code

Renderings are displayed

The pie chart using

1. Prepare the data source

Const arrList = [{item: "Aries ", num: 40, percent: 0.25}, {item:" Aquarius ", num: 21, percent: 0.1}, {item: "Taurus ", num: 40, percent: 0.25}, {item:" Taurus ", num: 17, percent: 0.15}, {item: "Leo ", num: 13, percent: 0.2}, {item:" Pisces ", num: 9, percent: 0.3}];Copy the code

Initialize the Chart object and load the data source.

const chart3 = new Chart({
  container: "container_three",
  autoFit: true,
  height: 500
Copy the code

3. Set the coordinate system

Chart3. Coordinate (" theta ", {/ / 'polar: cascading histogram (the default) | |' is' : pie chart | | 'helix: bull 's-eye figure radius: 0.75});Copy the code

4. Set measurement (units)

chart3.scale("percent", { formatter: val => { val = val * 100 + "%"; return val; }});Copy the code

5. Set the prompt box

   showTitle: false,
   showMarkers: false
Copy the code

6. Create graph syntax and draw pie charts

chart3.interval().position("percent").color("item").label("percent", {content: data => { return `${data.item}: ${data.percent * 100}%`; } }).adjust("stack");Copy the code

7. Add the interactive display of adjustment charts and users

Copy the code

8. Render diagrams

Copy the code

Renderings are displayed

Use a combination of bar charts and line charts.

1. Prepare the data

Const dataList = [{week: "Monday ", work: 9, holiday: 2}, {week:" Tuesday ", work: 6, holiday: 9}, {week: "Wednesday ", work: 5, holiday: 5}, {week: "Thursday ", work: 7, holiday: 1}, {week:" Friday ", work: 2, holiday: 8}, {week: "Saturday ", work: 5}, {week:" Saturday ", work: 7, holiday: 1}, {week: "Friday ", work: 2, holiday: 8}, {week:" Saturday ", work: 2, holiday: 7}, {week: "Sunday ", work: 1, holiday: 8}];Copy the code

Initialize the Chart object and load the data source

const chart2 = new Chart({
  container: "container_two",
  autoFit: true,
  height: 500

Copy the code

3. Set the unit of measure for the Y-axis

Chart2. scale({work: {alias: "employee ", min: 0, Max: 10}, holiday: {alias:" employee ", min: 0, Max: 10}}); chart2.scale({work: {alias: "employee ", min: 0, Max: 10}}); chart2.scale({work: {alias:" employee ", min: 0, Max: 10}});Copy the code

4. Set the display of legend

   custom: true,
   items: [{value: "work",name: "work",marker: { symbol: "square", style: { fill: "#3182bd", r: 5 } }},
   {value: "holiday",name: "holiday",marker: { symbol: "hyphen",style: { stroke: "#fdae6b", r: 5, lineWidth: 3 }}}],
   position: "top" 
Copy the code

5. Set the Y coordinate system

chart2.axis("work", {grid: null,title: {style: {fill: "#fdae6b"},autoRotate: false}, label: {formatter: val => {return val + "s"; }, position: top } }); Chart2. axis("holiday", {title: {autoRotate: false}, // Label: {formatter: val => {return val + "mm"; chart2.axis("holiday", {title: {autoRotate: false}, // Add units to the number of y segments. }}});Copy the code

6. Set the prompt box

  shared: true,
  position: "top"
Copy the code

7, Create graph syntax (draw bar chart, line chart)

Chart2.interval ().position("week*work").color("#3182bd"); Chart2.line ().position("week*holiday").color("#fdae6b").size(3).shape("smooth"); chart2.line().position("week*holiday").color("#fdae6b"). chart2.point().position("week*holiday").color("#fdae6b").size(3).shape("circle");Copy the code

8. Add the interactive display of adjusting charts and users, remove the default classification legend screening interaction, and render charts.

chart2.interaction("active-region"); chart2.removeInteraction("legend-filter"); // Custom legend, remove the default classification legend filter interaction chart2.render();Copy the code

Renderings are displayed


There are dashboard charts, also more commonly used, next time to fill. Well, this is the end of the article, welcome everyone (like + comment + attention) questions can come to exchange; I hope you find this article useful and support me. Today is the 28th day of my participation in the first Wenwen Challenge 2022, come on!