Binary tree sort

Binary tree sorting mainly includes the design of node information, node insertion and tree middle order traversal

  1. Node information (including left and right children and node values)
    private int value;// Node parameters
    private  Node left;/ / the left child
    private  Node right;/ / right child

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  1. Node is inserted into the

Left subtree < current value< right subtree (for the same value, can be determined according to the order of the same value, our code does not consider the same value), that is, if the value of the inserted value is less than the current node value, it is inserted into the left subtree, if the value of the inserted value is greater than the current node value, it is inserted into the right subtree, equal to the current node value discard the inserted value

// Insert the node into the tree. Node represents the new node and root represents the root node
    public Node insertNode(Node node,Node root){

        if(root.getValue()>node.getValue()){// Insert the left subtree
            if(root.getLeft()! =null) {return insertNode(node,root.getLeft());
            }else {
                returnnode; }}else  if (root.getValue() <node.getValue()){// Insert the right subtree
            if(root.getRight() ! =null) {return insertNode(node,root.getRight());
            }else {
                returnnode; }}else{// This node is obsolete
            return  null; }}Copy the code
  1. Order in time
  // middle order traversal
    public  void traverseTree(Node node){
        if(node! =null){
            traverseTree(node.getLeft());// Iterate over the left subtree
            printNode(node);// Displays node information
            traverseTree(node.getRight());// Iterate over the right subtree}}Copy the code

Since we insert data according to the rule of left subtree < current value< right subtree, the result of middle order traversal is an ordered list. 4. The efficiency of binary tree sorting is still good under normal circumstances, and the time complexity can be said to be Nlogn. However, when we meet the data input of the following graphs, the efficiency is a little unsatisfactory.

  1. This can be avoided as much as possible by shuffling the input order. This method is relatively simple and easy to implement, but it still cannot avoid the above situation
  2. These graphs are inefficient because they are unbalanced, so to improve efficiency, let’s try to balance the trees.

Red-black trees are the perfect solution to this problem

Properties of red-black trees

  1. Each node is either black or red.
  2. The root node is black.
  3. Each leaf node is black. (Leaf nodes are the empty nodes at the end of the tree.)
  4. If a node is red, its children must be black.
  5. For any node, each path to the leaf contains the same number of black nodes.

According to the properties, we can express the node information as follows

 private int value;
    private Node left;/ / the left subtree
    private Node right;/ / right subtree
    private Node parent;/ / the parent node
    private boolean color;//true for black and false for red
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According to property 5, we can know that red-black trees ensure the output balance according to the number of black nodes to the leaf nodes, so as to avoid the imbalance phenomenon in the figure above

Rotation operation

Rotation is an important operation for red-black trees, which are left – and right-handed rotations and coloring to maintain the tree’s balance

Left rotation produces the right graph, right rotation produces the left graph, left and right rotation are opposite operations, rotation does not change the properties of binary search trees

/** * Left-rotation code implements **@param node

    public void leftRoate(Node node){
        if(node == null) {return;
        Node pNode =node.getParent();
        if(pNode == null) {return;
        Node lChild =node.getLeft();
        if(pNode.getParent()! =null) {
            if (pNode.getParent().getLeft() == pNode) {

            }else {
        if(lChild! =null)

 /** * Right rotation code implementation **@param node
    public void rightRoate(Node node){
        if(node ==null) {return;
        Node pNode =node.getParent();
        if(pNode ==null) {return;
        Node rChild =node.getRight();
        if(pNode.getParent()! =null) {
            if (pNode.getParent().getLeft() == pNode) {

            }else {
        if(rChild! =null)

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Node is inserted into the

  1. Insert the red-black tree as if it were a binary search tree
  2. The insertion node is dyed red (the reason why the insertion is red is because if it is black, it must violate nature 5. Violating the nature means that the tree needs to be adjusted. Dyed red is only possible to violate nature 4. We try to violate and adjust as little as possible.
 // Insert the node into the tree
    public Node insertNode(Node node,Node root){

        if(root.getValue()>node.getValue()){// Insert the left subtree
            if(root.getLeft()! =null) {return insertNode(node,root.getLeft());
            }else {
                node.setParent(root);// Set the parent node
                returnnode; }}else  if (root.getValue() <node.getValue()){// Insert the right subtree
            if(root.getRight() ! =null) {return insertNode(node,root.getRight());
            }else {
                node.setParent(root);// Set the parent node
                returnnode; }}else{// This node is obsolete
            return  null; }}Copy the code

Insert code and binary tree insert code, except for setting the parent node, everything else is the same

Balanced red black tree

The addition of nodes means that it is possible to change the balance of the tree. The next step is to adjust the tree according to the situation. The main operations of adjusting the tree are rotation and dyeing

The parent node is black

If the parent node is black, insert a red node without violating any properties

The parent node is red

When the parent node is red, the node violates property 4, and the red-black tree is repaired according to the situation

Tertiary nodes are red

All you have to do is make the parent node and the tertiary node black, and then make his grandfather node red, and then take the grandfather node as the current node, and continue balancing all the way to the root node

Tertiary nodes are black

Insert the node on the right branch of the parent node

When the parent node is on the left branch of the grandfather node, rotate left with the current node as the axis, change the structure to insert the node on the left node, then change the problem to insert the node on the left branch of the parent node, and the parent node is on the left branch of the grandfather node

When the parent node is on the right branch of the grandfather node, the parent node rotates to the left as the axis, and the parent node is set to black and the grandfather node is set to red

Insert nodes on the left branch of the parent node

When the parent node is on the left branch of the grandfather node, the parent node is right-handed as the axis, and the parent node is set to black and the grandfather node is set to red

When the parent node is on the right branch of the grandfather node, rotate right with the current node as the axis, change the structure to insert the node on the right node, then change the problem to insert the node on the right branch of the parent node, and the parent node on the right branch of the grandfather node

   // Balance tree,
    public void blanceTree(Node node){
        if(node ==null) {return;

        Node pNode = node.getParent();/ / the parent node
        if(pNode ==null){
        if(pNode.isColor()){// The parent is black
          // System.out.println("-----");

        Node ppNode = pNode.getParent();// Grandfather node
        if(ppNode.getLeft()! =null&&! ppNode.getLeft().isColor()&&ppNode.getRight()! =null&&! ppNode.getRight().isColor()){ ppNode.getRight().setColor(true);
            // Nodes are stained


        if(pNode == ppNode.getLeft()){// The parent node is on the left branch of the grandfather node
            if(node == pNode.getLeft()){// This node is on the left branch of the parent node

  		// Nodes are stained

            }else {// This node is on the right branch of the parent node

 	 // Nodes are stained
               ppNode.setColor(false); }}else {// The parent node is on the right branch of the grandfather node
            if(node == pNode.getLeft()){// This node is on the left branch of the parent node

	 	 // Nodes are stained

            }else {// This node is on the right branch of the parent node

  		// Nodes are stained
                ppNode.setColor(false); }}}Copy the code

The last step

Combine the insert and tree balance together, and complete the red-black tree insert

  // Because it is possible to change the root node by rotation, always find the root node by looking for the parent node
  public Node getRoot(a) {
        Node root =tree;
       while(root.getParent()! =null){
           root = root.getParent();
       tree = root;
       return  root;
    // Insert a value
    public void insert(int key){
        Node node =createNode(key);
        if(tree ==null) {// If the tree is empty
            node.setColor(true);// Set it to black
            tree =node;
            return ;
        Node insertNode =  insertNode(node,getRoot());
       // System.out.println(node.getValue());
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Red-black tree is a binary search tree balanced by rotation and coloring. Its complexity is nlogn, which is a good data structure.