Read thousands of sails and finally hold hands, this peace of mind is my hometown

Since I began to learn about software development, I have done a lot of products and projects one by one. The small things and open source software I did in college were basically carried out with the attitude of “learn something, just do something”. Before digging gold, I actually did a project, which was sold right after I came back from Studying in Cambridge. It was not even a “start-up” experience, which had a great influence on me. I knew I wanted to do more, and the Nuggets were one of the projects I started after that, and it’s been four years now.

The Nuggets have a lot of problems recently, and I believe that diggers also feel some of them more or less. Every day, a lot of nuggets users ask me on wechat and Weibo. I summarize a few high-frequency ones here:

  1. The Nuggets’ payout bug hasn’t been fixed
  2. I’ve been waiting a long time for the nugget book writers to get online, and there’s still no official feedback
  3. My account has multiple accounts. How can I bind it
  4. Before said a function, Bug how so long did not repair
  5. My articles seem to be getting recommended more slowly than before
  6. .

These questions are many, and I know they are, and it’s heartening to see that diggers are still using Diggers with so much dissatisfaction, and that more and more writers are migrating their blogs and articles from other platforms to Diggers. It is because of the love of digg friends that I feel guilty that these problems cannot be solved in time.

Q: Why haven’t these problems been solved?

A: the direct reason is the Denver nuggets are very few people, believes that many friends and dig have seen “as we have from the beginning to | the nuggets” articles, know the nuggets at the end of last year because of improper expansion management problems, all the way until now, the company in the near future has been A big change. The change has led to the departure of many nuggets colleagues. This morning, just like “this is the nuggets first 6 months, one and a half operations” said, it is back to me and jiang 昪 two people running the Nuggets (of course, not only the two of us, because there are not many things recently, let us all go home and have a rest). As for the changes you are interested in, I can’t say anything here. Things are still in the process.

Q: Will the Nuggets stop operating?

A: No!

A lot of diggers thought I wanted to shut the nuggets down because of my (since deleted) Twitter posts a few days ago. But the truth is that after four years of running the Nuggets, after a lot of changes, I was so frustrated that I didn’t think I had done a good job on the project, so I wanted to give up out of a mood. But in fact, no matter from the objective subject of the company, or from my personal will, I very much hope to continue to operate nuggets.

The Nuggets are in a situation where they can get better. I was talking to Livid the other day and he said the image of the nuggets community is professional & modern. Fortunately, this is very similar to my goal in nuggets, which is to have a place where great technical content can really sink and help new technology spread and evolve quickly. Currently, nuggets has over 90% of its original columns as a percentage of content production, which means the Nuggets community is an UGC platform created and maintained entirely by diggers.

Q: When will the Nuggets start addressing those issues?

A: Because A lot of things are complicated and troublesome, but my remaining nuggets colleagues and I will make sure that the community runs smoothly and smoothly to the next phase. Conservatively, we can start to resolve high-priority technical and product issues in early August, and we should be able to start a new round of rapid iteration in September. Dear friends, please rest assured.

Q: What’s next for the Nuggets?

A: It will be better

The tail

At the same time, I’ve seen a lot of people in the “friendly community” make a lot of bad guesses, “bad words” and even some things that hurt the Nuggets. I’m sorry, but all I can do is explain to my friends how the Nuggets are doing it better. I have no interest in other arguments or arguments, and they don’t contribute to how the Nuggets are doing it better.

🎁 comments: write down the feature you want nuggets to do most, or is a message, 2019-07-12 midnight before the top 3 people can receive my 66.66 red envelope!