——> How can OKR be used to bridge the gap between implementation and goals

How to create a positive OKR environment 1. Be willing to share work achievements to make OKR the protagonist and become a storyteller 2. Maintain a sense of fairness, fair OKR results, open communication OKR 3

Okr-e Goals – Key results – Execution

Daily OKR 1 Daily focus OKR 2 daily perform OKR 3 Daily feedback OKR

Avoid OKR common pit 1 too many targets 2 Use performance indicators to drive target completion 3 No confidence index set 4 No confidence index tracking key outcomes

Review is the key to the success or failure of OKR (closed loop) P: plan, specifying goals and key achievements D: DO, implementing specific work support goals C: Check, following up goals and key progress A: ACT, review goals

Review includes: review objectives, review process, analysis of gains and losses, summary of rules