An offline map making and publishing method is introduced

Background and Objectives

In project implementation, it may be necessary to use maps. In general, our project will use online Internet maps, such as Baidu Map, Gaode Map and Map Heaven and Earth.

However, if the client environment is an Intranet (unable to connect to the Internet) or there are other self-owned map data sources (such as ortho images, purchased satellite maps, three-dimensional maps, etc.), map services need to be deployed on the corresponding Intranet for offline map publishing for project use.

There are many methods and tools for offline map data acquisition and release. This paper mainly introduces one of them, BigMap+Geowebchache, which introduces how to obtain map data, adjust and process map data and release map services.

The preparation of the instruments

The name of the describe URL
Bigmap Commercial software for downloading map tile data, can also be used to download other map data…
Geowebcache Open source software for map tile cache and distribution…
Tomcat Open source software for deploying Geowebcache /



1.Download the required offline map data through BigMap

Before downloading, please note:

(1) Map types: baidu Map 2D map, Baidu Map satellite map, Autonavi 2D map, Autonavi satellite map, etc.;

(2) Map area: the geographical scope of the required map, such as the whole country, the whole Guangdong Province, the whole Zhongshan city, etc.;

(3) Map scale grade: different scales are provided for map scaling;

Download tile form requires authorization, you need to buy a key or ask customer service to get a trial version

The specific download operation is relatively simple, please refer to:…

Where, the tile type is ArcGis(image format JPG)

After this step is completed, a set of tile maps can be obtained


2,Data processing for tile map catalog

Since there is no map data for levels 0 to 2 in Bigemap, you need to modify the directory after downloading.

Enter the conf. XML file, mask or delete information whose Levelids are 0 to 2, and modify the levelids to sort from 0.

Change the _alllayers folder to “L+ corresponding LevelID”.

3,Data processing for tile map catalog

Deploy geoWebCache to Tomcat and configure the node in the web.xml of its web-info. The directory of the node must exist.

Run Tomcat to access the application, which normally generates a series of files in the node directory.

Configure the offline map data node in the GeoWebchache

After the Tomcat service is restarted, you can view the map


The effect is as follows: The offline map is published, and after the offline map WEB service is published, various JS plug-ins can be used to call the map service.


So far, use BigMap+Geowebchache offline map making, share here. Similarly, other approaches are similar.