Apache Software Foundation (Apache), the world’s largest open source software foundation, announced on April 9, 2021 that Apache DolphinScheduler has graduated as a top-level project of Apache. This is the first top-level project in the field of big data workflow scheduling led by Chinese people and contributed to Apache.

DolphinScheduler™ is a distributed visual big data workflow scheduling system used by 400+ companies such as China Unicom, IDG, IBM, JD Logistics, Lenovo, New Oriental, Nokia, 360, SF Express and Tencent. DolphinScheduler was donated to Apache by Analysys and incubated on 29 August 2019. After that, under the guidance of the tutor, the incubator management committee members will conduct the coaching and incubation, and on February 19, 2021, the Apache Incubator will vote for the one-time approval of the graduation proposal with 8 votes. On March 18, the Apache Board officially recognized DolphinScheduler as an Apache Top-level program by passing a DolphinScheduler graduation decision, ending the 18-month incubation period. An official announcement was made on the Apache Software Foundation channel official number on April 9, 2021 by Sally Khudairi, Vice President of Marketing at Apache.Copy the code

Apache DolphinScheduler is a distributed, easily extensible, next-generation workflow scheduling platform with a powerful visual DAG interface. Since the beginning of the project in 2017, the mission was determined to “solve the intricate dependencies between big data tasks and make the whole data processing process visually visible”. Since then, there is no need to write code for the configuration workflow. DolphinScheduler architecture is a powerful distributed workflow scheduling platform for big data with a directed acyclic graph (DAG) visual interface. DolphinScheduler solves complex task dependencies and simplifies scheduling data tasks. It connects a large number of big data ecosystem components in an out-of-the-box, easily scalable way into a data task scheduling system capable of handling 100,000 levels of data.

Apache DolphinScheduler is the world’s leading architect and community-recognized data scheduling platform. It has the following features: • Cloud native design: It supports multi-cloud and multi-data center cross-terminal scheduling, as well as K8s Docker deployment and expansion. The performance can increase linearly, and the maximum parallel task control of 100,000 has been supported under user test conditions. • High availability: the decentralized multi-master /Worker architecture can automatically balance tasks and automatically high availability to ensure the integrity of tasks to complete the overall scheduling in case of any node crash; • User-friendly interface: visual DAG diagram, including sub-tasks, conditional scheduling, script management, multi-tenant and other convenient functions, and has to run task instances and task templates separate, so that your platform maintenance staff and data scientists have a convenient and easy to use development and management platform; • Supports multiple data scenarios: stream data processing, batch data processing, pause, recovery, multi-tenant, etc., which can be directly invoked by Spark, Hive, MR, Flink, Clickhouse and other platforms. DolphinScheduler gained so many users in just a year and a half because of its Slogan: Apache DolphinScheduler gained a large number of users, such as China Unicom, IBM China, JD Logistics, Lenovo, New Oriental, SF Express, etc. More than 400 users use it online:

Apache DolphinScheduler is starting a new start!

DolphinScheduler was designed to be simple, easy to use and easy to maintain. After a lot of work, DolphinScheduler gained recognition from users and was released in March 2019. On August 29, I successfully entered the Apache incubator and became the first Apache big data scheduling project in China. It landed on the Github Monthly Trend list for several times and caused a heated discussion on Hacker News. DolphinScheduler also received a number of accolade in 2020, including one of the top 10 And most Popular DolphinScheduler projects in The InfoQ China Technology Power Annual List, and one of the Best Technology Teams in China. The DolphinScheduler community has a large community of over 4,000 users, with more than 400 companies using DolphinScheduler in production environments as of October 2020. DolphinScheduler continues to glow in all areas!

During the incubation process of Apache, I learned and practiced the Apache Way and learned the essence of Apache culture: “Comuunity Over Code”. The community is based on Code, but larger than Code. You need to think about how to collaborate, how to communicate, and how to keep Community health moving forward. DolphinScheduler had no challenge to close the incubator vote because of this constant thinking.

Graduation to a top project has seen the hard work of many contributors and users of the Apache DolphinScheduler community over the past year and a half since entering the Apache Incubator, The DolphinScheduler community added 14 commiters, two PMCS, and released eight Apache Releases, Thanks to the mentors, contributors, users, and Apache Incubator for their hard work and countless help.

It is just a new starting point for Apache DolphinScheduler to become a top open source project. There are still more challenges waiting for the support of friends and users in the community. We hope that in the future, China’s excellent open source projects can be introduced to the world and the world can know that there are also top open source projects in China. Thank you for your help and well wishes for the Apache DolphinScheduler project. We thank you and hope you continue to support the Apache DolphinScheduler project globally.

The DolphinScheduler community received congratulations from various gods and the open source community on becoming a top project: • I was privileged to mentor the DolphinScheduler community from the first day of incubation. Over the past 1.5 years, the community has grown very quickly and healthily. They quickly learned the Apache culture and had excellent execution skills. It’s great to see the program graduate from the incubator and have a diverse and active community. It is a new starting point to become a top project, and we look forward to becoming a global and powerful project. — Sheng Wu. DolphinScheduler Incubator Champion. Apache Board Director

• It was an honor to watch DolphinScheduler evolve from open source to an Apache incubator to a standalone Apache top-level project; DolphinScheduler students have been innovating in the spirit of open source for more than a year. DolphinScheduler, a big data scheduling tool created by Chinese developers and contributors, became more and more popular, leading to a virtuous cycle of development. I hope that after graduation from the incubator, she will continue to move forward under the management of her PMC and create more value for the society and the public through open source software. — Shi Shaofeng, Apache Kylin & Incubator PMC

• Congratulations to DolphinScheduler for graduating from the Apache incubator and becoming ASF’s top DolphinScheduler project. DolphinScheduler has been developing the community in the Apache Way, attracting many open source developers and making the project more mature through the efforts of the community members. Wish the DolphinScheduler community better and better – Apache CarbonData VP Liang Chen

• Congratulations to the Apache Pulsar community on the success of the DolphinScheduler program and community as it graduates from the Apache Foundation to become a top program. We also hope that the Pulsar and DolphinScheduler communities can work together to promote open source development in China. Apache Pulsar community

• Congratulations to Apache DolphinScheduler for graduating from the Apache Foundation. I am delighted to see another Chinese open source project become a top Apache Foundation project. Good luck to the DolphinScheduler community for growing and serving as many developers as possible. Apache ECharts VP envy

• Congratulations to DolphinScheduler for graduating to the Apache Software Foundation’s Top program! DolphinScheduler has grown rapidly in the Apache Way since it was introduced to the Apache incubator. It has been used by many external contributors and by many companies, creating a healthy community. Hopefully Apache DolphinScheduler will attract more developers as it becomes a top-tier project. — Apache APISIX VP Wen Ming

• DolphinScheduler is a very reliable domestic open source project, wish better and better! — Apache Pegasus PPMC Wu Tao

• Congratulations on the graduation of Apache DolphinScheduler. DolphinScheduler is an excellent open source project. The community has been following the Apache Way and has attracted a large number of users and contributors during its incubation. On behalf of the Apache Dubbo community, I wish the DolphinScheduler community the best. — Apache Dubbo PMC-Yuhang Xiu

• I am very happy to see DolphinScheduler graduate as a top Apache project, the DolphinScheduler community is growing very quickly in the Incubator in the Apache Way. I was very impressed by the enthusiasm of the participants at the co-meetup that our two communities hosted together. I hope there will be more cooperation in the future. I’m proud of you. Congratulations!

LiangZhang, Apache Member & Apache ShardingSphere PMC Chair

• Congratulations to Apache DolphinScheduler for graduating from the Apache Foundation as a Top Apache Foundation program. Good luck to DolphinScheduler as the next generation Scheduler standard and as an out-of-the-box experience for many enterprises and developers. — Guo Yuepeng, VP of Apache Griffin

• Congratulations to DolphinScheduler for graduating! DolphinScheduler has grown very quickly and built a very active community since joining the Apache incubator. We are looking forward to seeing DolphinScheduler get better, and IoTDB integrated with DolphinScheduler as a data source for timing analysis. Apache IoTDB VP Huang Xiangdong

DolphinScheduler was praised by Ted Liu, founder of the Open Source Community: “Apache DolphinScheduler is an open source project that really does what Apache does – it’s driven by the community. It successfully graduated from Apache Incubator as the top project, indicating that the first open source project for smes originating in China can also base on China and contribute to the world. Congratulations to Apache DolphinScheduler!”

The DolphinScheduler community also received accolade from user representatives upon graduation:

• Provides an excellent scheduling product, saving nearly a hundred man-month development costs. Friendly community communication environment, provides strong support. — Yin Zhengjun, Digital Technology architect of China Unicom

• Logistics oriented solution, DS as a basic component of the data base, can be used for external sales of multiple Jinghui Zhineng products, flexible choice according to the actual business needs. Rapid and efficient customized development, new functions and new requirements support agile development, can complete the rapid delivery of product solutions in a short time, with good and complete technical support. In addition, open source DS is used to facilitate the expansion and secondary development of actual business needs. Such as external SAP HANA data sharing and Rapid iteration of the latest version of Hadoop source code. Over the past year, THE DS community has gathered many industry experts and exported a lot of high-quality lectures and document resources, learning a lot in the community and harvesting a lot. I wish DS community development is better and better, can gather more people of insight, spectrum open source DS bright future. — Gu Xide, JDL data architect of JD Logistics

• Congratulations ~~ Dolphin has been our data project development and management tool, very easy to use, I hope to keep the original intention, better and better — Jiang Xu, data director of Qi anxin

• from EasyScheduler to DolphinScheduler, we’ve seen the growth of DolphinScheduler — it’s getting easier and easier to use. DS has been used as the basic component of the data platform to serve the whole offline development scene of Changan Automobile Internet of vehicles, which is very stable. Hope DS community ecology is more and more perfect, every user can benefit from the community, contribute to the community! — Huang Li, Data platform engineer, Changan Automobile Dolphinscheduler.apache.org • DolphinScheduler github:github.com/apache/incu… • DolphinScheduler Gitee: gitee.com/dolphinsche… • DolphinScheduler Twitter: twitter.com/dolphinsche… • DolphinScheduler Slack discussion channel: join.slack.com/t/asf-dolph… • DolphinScheduler wechat official account: DolphinScheduler • easyworkflow was added to the wechat account for the wechat user group

Eggs: DolphinScheduler Pulsar won the Apache community a video greeting: www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oi…