Dingpin is a business communication, collaboration and intelligent mobile office platform specially created by Alibaba Group for enterprises, helping tens of millions of enterprises to reduce communication, collaboration and management costs, improve office efficiency and realize a new digital way of working.

Features: 1, provide dedicated, efficient, safe instant messaging solutions, make work communication more smooth [message has not read, clear at a glance] support single chat and group chat, and you can check the status of the message has not read, communication is more efficient. Urgent or important matters can be sent by DING message, through the application, phone or SMS and other ways to 100% delivered to the other party. [Dingdingsecret Chat, instant burn after reading] Provides commercial private chat mode, the whole process of bank-level encryption, the message has read 30 seconds after the automatic destruction, leaving no trace. Support picture and name Mosaic, even screen shots are not afraid of personal information leakage. 2, provide digital business contacts management function, so that business contacts simple and efficient [digital living business card] live business cards will never expire, authentic identity, 100 people exchange business cards only 3 seconds. 【 Intelligent contacts management 】 Digital business contacts, intelligent classification, automatic sorting easy to find people. [Networking sharing] Sharing business contacts within the organization and depositing business assets. 3. Provide free OA office system tailored for enterprises to make work easier [Unified address book] Support the introduction of enterprise organizational structure, unified management, employees can communicate and cooperate safely anytime and anywhere, and greatly improve the efficiency of communication and coordination. [Intelligent Office Application] Provides OA functions such as attendance, check-in, approval, log, announcement, leave, reimbursement, business trip, etc., and supports enterprise custom application access to fully realize intelligent mobile office. 4, provide professional, convenient and cost-effective business telephone and network communication capabilities, make business communication more secure and efficient [intelligent hotline] unified customer service number, intelligent voice navigation, greatly improve the corporate image. Missed calls intelligent robot real-time broadcast, will not miss any business opportunities. All call data intelligent analysis, insight into potential problems, for enterprise decision-making power. [Video Teleconferencing] You can initiate multi-person telephone/video conference anytime and anywhere, hd network call, zero phone charge, so that you can communicate with colleagues and customers face to face. [Intelligent office phone] Fast open deployment free, professional business phone. Enterprise paid employees call for free, save the trouble of reimbursement; Customized voice navigation, 1 minute to improve corporate image. 5, nail plate nail mail and chat function set in one, make the office more convenient [nail plate – enterprise cloud disk] enterprise file cloud security sharing, a nail plate all done, anytime and anywhere to view, convenient and safe. [Nail mail – enterprise mailbox] and chat perfect integration, realize the unread mail, unread mail can be sent DING, support all kinds of enterprise mailbox, 163, QQ and other personal mailbox. 6, to provide bank-level security services, so that enterprise data security [Nail nail security] Nail integration Alibaba Group more than ten years of precipitation of network security attack and defense capabilities, the use of bank-level encryption technology for enterprise data encryption protection. At the same time, support third-party encryption technology, so that enterprise security further.

Update log

2019/10/29: version V0.3, updated to 2019/9/30: version 0.2, updated to 2019/4/25: v0.1, well, the first release.

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Office platform nail green portable version

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