Since we need to use two stacks, we use one stack to record the end of the queue, and one stack to record the head of the queue.

var CQueue = function() {
  this.tail_stack=[]  // This is the stack that records the end of the queue
  this.head_stack=[]  // This is the stack that records the queue header
/ * * *@param {number} value
 * @return {void}* /
CQueue.prototype.appendTail = function(value) {
   this.tail_stack.push(value)  Append_stack should be operated on when appendTail is called

/ * * *@return {number}* /
CQueue.prototype.deleteHead = function() {

   // The difficulty lies in the operation function
   / / steps:
   // 1. If head_stack is empty and tail_stack is empty, the stack is empty and -1 is output
   // 2. If head_stack is empty, but tail_stack is not empty, so we need to find the queue head, and then output
   Tail_stack is inverted into head_stack until tail_stack is empty.
   // The stack of head_stack is queued from top to bottom
   // 3. If head_stack is not empty, return the top element of head_stack
            return -1
    return this.head_stack.pop()

/** * Your CQueue object will be instantiated and called as such: * var obj = new CQueue() * obj.appendTail(value) * var param_2 = obj.deleteHead() */
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