The observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects. When an object’s state changes, all dependent objects are notified and updated automatically. Observer mode belongs to behavioral mode, which focuses on the communication between objects, while observer mode is the communication between the observer and the observed.

// There is a hunter guild, in which every hunter can publish and subscribe
// They all have a subscription list to keep track of who subscribed to them
// Define a hunter
// Include the name, level, and subscription list
function Hunter(name, level){ = name
    this.level = level
    this.list = []
Hunter.prototype.publish = function (money){
    console.log(this.level + 'hunter' + + 'Ask for help')
    this.list.forEach(function(item, index){
Hunter.prototype.subscribe = function (targrt, fn){
    console.log(this.level + 'hunter' + + 'Subscribed' +

// Several hunters came to the hunter's guild
let hunterMing = new Hunter('Ming'.'gold')
let hunterJin = new Hunter('jin'.'silver')
let hunterZhang = new Hunter('zhang'.'gold')
let hunterPeter = new Hunter('Peter'.'bronze')

//Peter is in a lower rank and may need help, so Xiao Ming, Jin and Zhang subscribe to Peter
hunterMing.subscribe(hunterPeter, function(money){
    console.log('Xiao Ming said:' + (money > 200 ? ' ' : 'I'm busy right now. I can't.') + 'Give a hand')
hunterJin.subscribe(hunterPeter, function(){
    console.log('Kim says: Help')
hunterZhang.subscribe(hunterPeter, function(){
    console.log('Xiao Zhang said: Give help')})//Peter is in trouble

// Hunters (observers) associate hunters (target objects) they are interested in, such as Peter, and automatically notify them (observers) when Peter is in trouble
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Observer model

The biggest difference between the observer mode and the publish-subscribe mode is that the publish-subscribe mode has an event scheduling center.

The observer mode is scheduled by the specific target, and each subscribed target needs to have observer processing, which is more direct and rude, but causes redundancy in the code.

In the publishing and subscription mode, it is handled by the dispatch center uniformly, and subscribers and publishers do not interfere with each other, eliminating the dependence between publishers and subscribers. This allows for both decoupling and more fine-grained control. For example, if a publisher publishes a lot of messages, but does not want all subscribers to receive them, it can do some processing in the dispatch center, such as permission control. You can also do some throttling.

// Define a hunter guild
// The main features include topics such as subscribe and publish
let HunterUnion = {
    type: 'hunt'.topics: Object.create(null),
    subscribe: function (topic, fn){
                this.topics[topic] = [];  
    publish: function (topic, money){
        for(let fn of this.topics[topic]){

// Define a hunter
// Include name, level
function Hunter(name, level){ = name
    this.level = level
// Hunters can publish quests in the hunter guild
Hunter.prototype.subscribe = function (topic, fn){
    console.log(this.level + 'hunter' + + 'Subscribed to the hunt' + topic + 'Task')
    HunterUnion.subscribe(topic, fn)
Hunter.prototype.publish = function (topic, money){
    console.log(this.level + 'hunter' + + 'Released the hunt' + topic + 'Task')
    HunterUnion.publish(topic, money)

// Several hunters came to the hunter's guild
let hunterMing = new Hunter('Ming'.'gold')
let hunterJin = new Hunter('jin'.'silver')
let hunterZhang = new Hunter('zhang'.'gold')
let hunterPeter = new Hunter('Peter'.'bronze')

Xiao Ming, Xiao Jin and Xiao Zhang have subscribed to hunt Tiger respectively
    console.log('Xiao Ming said:' + (money > 200 ? ' ' : 'no') + 'Fetch task')
    console.log('Kim says: Pick up the task')
    console.log('Xiao Zhang said: Pick up the task')})//Peter subscribed to hunt sheep
    console.log('Peter says: Pick up task ')})//Peter announces the quest to hunt Tiger

// Hunters publish (publisher) or subscribe (observer/subscriber) quests are linked through hunters guild (dispatch center), they do not communicate directly.

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