I. Description of the Charts function

“Charts” is a very good drawing tool with very powerful functions, which can be used to draw broken lines, bar Charts, pie Charts, K-line Charts, time-sharing k-line Charts, radar Charts, bubble Charts and so on. “Charts” is a drawing library based on Swift that imitates ANDROID MPAndroidChart.

Address: github.com/danielgindi…

1.Charts integration operation

Import into the development project using Cocoapod

Pod Search ChartsRealm (find the library you want to import, duplicate it, Press q to exit) // Open project path CD + project path // Edit Podfile vim Podfile Repeat step 3 to paste in "ChartsRealm" as well) // Execute pod installCopy the code

2. Integration considerations

1.Cocoapod imports third-party files

Github explicitly states that there are two libraries that need to be imported into a Realm database.

2.Podfile requirements

These two lines of code in your podfile are commented out by default, so make sure you mark them out and leave the “#” out. Otherwise an error will be reported. See this blog for details.

##### 3. Perform pre-integration configurationCopy the code

An error occurs during pod Install installation when the project performs pod Init for the first time, as shown below


Create the OC and Swift bridge file in advance and perform operations according to Project Configuration.

3. Configure after the integration

Once the import is successful, it’s time to do the final configuration.

Operation steps:

1. Click pod file 2. Click Build Setting and enter Swift Language 3. Select the current language version

2. Configure the project

2.1 Creating swift Bridge Files

2.1.0 Creating a Swift File

Import the headers for the third-party dependencies we need to use.


Baidu’s Echarts is a web version, but it encapsulates the property methods of web pages as oc objects,

iOS- Echarts – A control build with echarts

Ios-echarts – Encapsulates Echarts as an iOS control

Not actual operation in advance note: github.com/Pluto-Y/iOS…