1 installation

  • Methods a

    Copy the code
  • Method 2

    My installation package folder 'nVM-setup.zip'Copy the code

2 Basic NVM commands

NVM or NVM// Bring up the NVM command prompt
nvm arch [32 | 64]// Displays the current system version, and can be specified
nvm install version/'latest' [arch]  Arch indicates that you can select a 32-bit or 64-bit Node version. If you set it to all, you can install versions 32 and 64
nvm list [available] // Lists the node.js installed on your machine, and if you type Available, a list of versions available for download will be displayed
nvm on // Enable node.js version management
nvm off // Disable Node.js versioning (without uninstalling anything) nvm proxy [url] If the url is left blank, the current proxy can be viewed. If the URL is set to None, the proxy can be deleted nvm unstall <version> // Uninstall the specified version nvm use version [arch] // Version switch nvm root <path> // Set the directory where the NVM stores the younger nodejs. If path is not set, the Current Root directory of the NVM will be displayed. nvm version // The NVM version can simplify NVM V nvm node_mirror <node_mirror_url> / / set the Node Node mirror, the domestic recommend: https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/ nvm npm_mirror <npm_mirror_url> / / set the NPM mirror, domestic recommendation: https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/npm/ Copy the code

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