Nuxt does not have an index. HTML page. Where should we write js code to determine the device

1. Introduce middleware

  • innuxt.config.jsIn addition to therouterTo introducemiddlewareThe middleware

nuxt.config.jsThe following code

export default {
    router: {
        middleware: ["device",}}Copy the code

2. Create a directory in the root directoryutilsFile and create a new filedeviceType.js

deviceType.jsThe file code is as follows

/** ** @param {*} UA, userAgent * @returnstype: device type * env: access environment (wechat/weibo /qq) * masklayer: is to get the external judgment whether to display the masklayer, some special environment to guide the user to the external to open access */function isWechat(UA) {
    return /MicroMessenger/i.test(UA) ? true : false;

function isWeibo(UA) {
    return /Weibo/i.test(UA) ? true : false;

function isQQ(UA) {
    return /QQ/i.test(UA) ? true : false;

function isMoible(UA) {
    return /(Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|tablet|BlackBerry|Mobile)/i.test(UA) ?
        true :

function isIOS(UA) {
    return /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(UA) ? true : false;

function isAndroid(UA) {
    return /Android/i.test(UA) ? true : false;
export function deviceType(UA) {
    if (isMoible(UA)) {
        if (isIOS(UA)) {
            if (isWechat(UA)) {
                return {
                    type: "ios",
                    env: "wechat",
                    masklayer: true}; }if (isWeibo(UA)) {
                return {
                    type: "ios",
                    env: "weibo",
                    masklayer: true}; }if (isQQ(UA)) {
                return {
                    type: "ios",
                    env: "qq",
                    masklayer: true}; }return {
                type: "ios"}; }if (isAndroid(UA)) {
            if (isWechat(UA)) {
                return {
                    type: "android",
                    env: "wechat",
                    masklayer: true}; }if (isWeibo(UA)) {
                return {
                    type: "android",
                    env: "weibo",
                    masklayer: true}; }if (isQQ(UA)) {
                return {
                    type: "android",
                    env: "qq",
                    masklayer: true}; }return {
                type: "android"}; }return {
            type: "mobile"}; }else {
        return {
            type: "pc"}; }}Copy the code

In 3.middlewareadddevice.jsfile

device.jsThe following code

// @ts-nocheck
import { deviceType } from "~/utils/deviceType";
export default function(context) {
    // @ts-ignore
    context.userAgent = process.server ?
        context.req.headers["user-agent"] : navigator.userAgent; Context.devicetype = deviceType(context.userAgent); // Add a property to the global context to hold the matching information we return. // () (); // ();"SetDeviceType", context.deviceType); // If the UA is not mobile, the processing is done here.. // context.redirect(status, URL) this allows you to redirect to external sitesif (context.deviceType.type === "pc") {
        // context.redirect(302,''//301 is a permanent redirection, if you want to keep changing as the device type changes, please change it to 302}else {
        context.redirect(302,''//301 is a permanent redirection, if you want to keep changing as the device type changes, please change it to 302}}Copy the code

4. Please click the link for basic documentation on NUXT

  • Nuxt climb pit