The Nuggets’ anxieties

In March 2017, Nuggets officially started the domain name Juejin. Im, the website monthly unique visitors more than 300W, Alexa ranking also entered the top 500 in China. However, everyone in our team did not feel any relief and joy. On the one hand, the result was far from our expectations. On the other hand, as a developer-oriented community, “reading tech content” is not a requirement at all, and we all know that products that don’t capture the real needs of users are likely to be abandoned.

Next step for the Nuggets

So, we’ve been thinking since the end of last year, what do I do next, what kind of product can really meet the needs of developers? When we surveyed the members of the team, it turned out that there was a real need that was often mentioned but often overlooked: relationships for programmers.

A lot of programmers want to meet people of the opposite sex, but because of work pressure or other reasons, there are very few opportunities to meet people of the opposite sex, so we are here to help developers solve this important question:

Therefore, our next product we will launch is: nuggets dating

Nuggets dating is a dating platform for developers, our purpose is to help developers to contact friends of the opposite sex, to help every single people can get rid of the single as soon as possible, in short: let the Internet no single dog.

What are we going to do?

Two of the hardest things about making a dating product are that the ratio of men to women is not equal and that the opposite sex recommended to you is not accurate. In the past few months, our operation and development students have made a lot of efforts to launch this product. In order to solve the imbalance between male and female ratio, our operation team contacted companies with very many single young women and reached cooperation with them. To solve the recommendation problem, last year we recruited @linfcstMr from Panda TV, who has extensive experience in areas such as big data and machine learning, to help us solve the recommendation problem of the opposite sex.

In addition to online dating, we will also hold offline events in various places where major Internet companies gather.

How to participate in private beta

So today I am very happy to tell you that this product will soon be in internal testing, the way to participate in internal testing is very simple, just scan the qr code below, pay attention to the “rare earth circle” public account, send the keyword “internal testing”, you can participate in our product internal testing.

Finally, the Nuggets will continue to make efforts to do a good job for you, and I hope you can continue to support the Nuggets, support our Nuggets dating, thank you.