
Dear friends, hello!

Here are some of the most interesting articles from the past week.

Backend featured articles

Selected article 1 –Forget about the thread pool size/thread count, there is no formula

Introduction: The author uses a simple test to test a common theory, and clearly summarizes the relationship between the number of threads and CPU utilization. If you are still struggling with how many threads are appropriate for your work, you should not miss this article.

Selected article 2 –Talk about the service framework of JINGdong

Introduction: The author has learned about the evolution history of JINGdong JSF framework, and discussed the design of the framework, some features of JSF, what the ideal framework is, and the combination of Dubbo and Zookeeper. If you are also learning about the use of these technologies, you may wish to have a look at this article.

Selected article 3 – The birth of comic | Java language!

Introduction: This is a comic book about the birth of Java language.

Selected article 4 – What’s it like to contribute code to a top open source project, Spring Boot?

Introduction: Have you ever contributed code to an open source project? What’s it like to contribute code to an open source project? The author contributed code to Spring Boot with many twists and turns. Did the Spring Boot project finally merge the PR submitted by the author? Let’s find the answer in the article.

Selected article 5 – Forget about programming for loops, Spring’s built-in observer mode is delicious!

Introduction: In the design pattern, the observer pattern is a common design pattern, and in the actual business development, when the business needs to decouple, the observer pattern is more often used. The author takes us through the Spring event mechanism, Spring’s built-in events, and provides thoughtful examples. Xiaobian quietly say, this article read the comments can learn a lot of knowledge

Mobile selected articles

Selected article 1 –Check out Kotlin-First’s image loading library for Android

Introduction: Coil, released in version 1.0 on October 22, 2020, is a very young image-loading library that has been officially promoted by Android. This library is well done and written in Kotlin, using a lot of Kotlin’s features, especially coroutines. In this paper, the author introduces the commonly used API and the function expansion of Coil.

Selected article 2 –ANR Barrier causes the main thread to fake death

Introduction: ANR problem is not unfamiliar to students engaged in Android development. In daily development, we often encounter various problems caused by application and even system level. Most of the time, because we do not understand its operation principle, we may be confused when facing such problems. The Barrier causes the main thread to suspend. Let’s take a look at this article analyzed by bytedance’s technical team.

Selected article 3 –Page fluency is no longer a mystery! Debug magic out of the box, Flutter FPS detection tool

Introduction: For any application, page fluency must be one of the most important indicators affecting the user experience. As a developer, optimizing page fluency is also a reflection of your technical prowess. Where to start to optimize your page? How do I find Catton’s pages? How do you measure your optimization? To solve these problems, the author has introduced a very interesting tool, let us take a sneak peek.

Selected article 4 –Android 11 changes and adaptation guide

Introduction: This is a very detailed guide, from the preparation, to storage, permissions, tools, debugging details of the author have spoken, can not read a good article.

Selected article 5 –Kotlin base | entrusted and its application

Foreword: entrustment is to entrust something that one has done to another. In the design pattern, the decorator pattern and the proxy pattern reuse behavior through delegation. Kotlin supports delegation at the language level. This article introduces Kotlin’s delegation with examples.

Front End Selection article

Selected article 1 –This article shows you how to troubleshoot memory leak caused page lag

Introduction: If the page is stuck, what do you think might be the cause? How to locate and solve it? This is a very broad and in-depth question, and if you have any doubts, this article will answer them

Selected article 2 –H5 page list caching scheme

Introduction: There is a very common function, click on the list to go to the details page, and then return to the list. If this page was developed by H5, then from the details after the return to the list, the state will be removed to go over the life cycle, to initiate the request, there will be a new state, for paging interface, the list is very long, when the user after turned over several pages, click details to see details and then returns a list of goods, the page back to the first page, so that the user experience is very poor, How do you improve the user experience?

Selected article 3 –Vue 3 will no longer support IE11

Introduction: On April 3rd, You yuxi published an article entitled “[RFC] on IE11 support for Vue 3”, which is about the proposal that Vue 3 will no longer support IE11. The author translated the relevant English content and introduced some contents of the proposal.

Selected article 4 –I wrote Vue3 in React. I also wrote custom hooks and Hoc to build responsiveness

Introduction: Can YOU use Vue in React? In React, @vue/reactivity is used to update views directly by changing the state value. How does this work? Let’s follow the imaginative author to find out.

Selected article 5 –The system understands React hooks

The React Router and Redux libraries have hooks. The Redux library has hooks. The Redux library also has hooks. Do you know hooks? How about custom hooks?

Speak your mind

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