1. Set the default NPM init property

npm config set init-author-name yanggc
npm config set init-author-email [email protected]
npm config set init-author-url yanggc.com
npm config set init-version=1.0. 0
npm config set init-license=ISC
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After setting the default values, check whether the Settings take effect by using NPM config Edit or NPM init -y

2. Quickly generate package.json

Normally we initialize the project with the NPM init command. If we use the default information to generate package.json, we need to repeatedly enter to complete the initialization process. Using the following command, you can generate package.json with one click

npm init -y  // NPM init --yes
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3. Install multiple modules at a time

npm install lodash axios url-loader
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4. Abbreviations of installation commands

npm i lodash // NPM install lodash
npm i -g lodash NPM install -- short for global lodash
npm install -D lodash // NPM install --save-dev lodash
npm install -S lodash // NPM install --save lodash
npm t //npm test 
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5. Open the Github address of the dependency package

npm repo lodash // Open the Github address of the Lodash toolkit
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6. Open the dependency package’s Homepage or official website

npm home lodash 
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7. Execute the scripts in sequence

npm run serve & npm run dev // Execute the serve and dev scripts in parallel
npm run serve && npm run build // The build script is executed only after the serve script is successfully executed
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