1. Introduction of NRM

NRM (full name: NPM Registry Manager) can easily manage the registry source currently used by NPM. With NRM, we can quickly switch the NPM source.

2. The NRM installation

You are advised to install the NRM globally

npm install -g  nrm // Global installation
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After the installation is successful, you can view the NRM version

nrm --version
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3. List the currently available sources

nrm ls
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The asterisk indicates the source that is currently in use

4. Switch to the NPM source

nrm use yarn
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5. Add an NPM source

NRM add <registry> <url> [home] NRM add MNPM HTTPS://xxx.com/registry/
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Registry is the name of the source, URL is the address of the source, and home is the home page of the source [Optional]

6. Delete the NPM source

NRM del <registry> For example, NRM del MNPMCopy the code

Registry is the name of the source

7. Test NPM speed

Test the speed of all NPM sources

nrm test
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