To help keep you informed about the development of the tech community on the NEO platform, NEONewsToday will publish a noteworthy update every month. These reports will include contributions to the NEO core program as well as improvements to the community creation program.

This report is not an exhaustive list of all project progress. NEONewsToday will gather information from as many community contributors as possible, but will not include all community project content.

Any NEO developer (whether a member of the development community or others) who has made a significant contribution to NEO infrastructure or development tools can contact NEONews at [email protected]


Contact and provide relevant information for future reporting.

NEO Protocol Contribution

Neo – cli (NR)

Since October 24, NeoResearch members Igor and Vitor Coelho have been working on a major update aimed at optimizing NEO consensus mechanisms. The proposal also saw contributions and comments from CoZ and NGD members.…

The first part of this update, covered by PR #426, focuses on how to add consensus for the “commit” phase to prevent “forking” issues (migrating to Akka model compatibility), as well as update strategies and other performance optimizations. The purpose of the regeneration policy is to allow lost/failed consensus nodes to automatically reconnect to the network without restarting.…

Initial modifications have been completed and are currently being tested by NeoResearch, NGD and CoZ. A new neo-CLI version with these improvements will be applied to test network consensus nodes in the near future.

Community projects

Neon Wallet (CoZ)

In November, Neon Wallet V2 was released, a complete redesign of the original Neon Wallet. A number of changes were made this month, including the implementation of new features such as NIP-9 QR generation, node selection and simply convertible transfers and Token sales priority fees.…

Week 1 is about fixing new features and various other daily bug fixes… For example, increase the maximum number of receive transfers from 10 to 25… . Neon Wallet is decentralized and no longer relies on other projects… . One example is Neoscan’s automatic node selection algorithm, which was replaced by an automatic node selection algorithm built directly into Neon’s wallet.…

The wallet was downloaded over 15K in its first week. Immediate short-term goals include fixing minor bugs, improving testing, and considering alternative pricing data apis. The team also started planning support for local network or manual node address entry, multi-party wallet and improved user experience/user interface for GAS claims.

In the last week, more than 20 issues were resolved and further improvements were made to test coverage and node selection algorithms… . This will continue to be a core focus as the team lays a solid foundation for the first major update (V2.0.1).

neo-local (CoZ)

Most of the development in November was spent on improving and updating the command line interface (CLI)… . One of the first improvements was the addition of the destroy command, which allows the service container to be stopped and removed on demand. The new local version 0.11.1 was released on Tuesday 6th November.…

For the second week starting Monday the 12th, PrivateNet containers… , the new python… And notification server services… Added to the CLI. By improving the CLI, you can simplify your understanding of the CLI and establish a NEO private chain for development.

For the following week starting Monday 19th, neo-scan-sync was added to the CLI… And the neo-Scan-API container… , while also adding other improvements such as the ability to boot chain… . The CLI starts feature work to make it context-smart; This means that it knows which services depend on each other in order to start them in the right order… .

The last week of November saw improvements to CLI features that had been rapidly developed in the early stages of the project… . These changes include increased configuration flexibility and support for loading configurations on any operating system. The improvements also provide a progress bar and other information to help users know how long the download will take.…

Recent Hackathons in Europe (Rotterdam, Berlin and Zurich) also used the NEO local program… . The team reported that it had received a lot of useful feedback on how to improve the project in the future.

neo-python (CoZ)

While neo-Python nodes are usually fine during normal network activity, increased use/abuse can cause neo-Python nodes to get stuck and need to be restarted. The Neo-Python team has spent time analyzing this behavior and updating the network code to improve the overall resilience of these nodes.

The Bootstrapping process has also been improved by requiring the user to update the Bootstrap link in the file. The file will now automatically find the latest version… Therefore, you do not need to manually change the password. Main network and test network boot files have been updated to block heights 3002XXX and 2022XXX, respectively.

The updated implementation is able to swap component classes by specifying paths in neo-Python Settings… . While currently only RPC and REST servers are supported, the team intends to expand this to include CLI commands, networking, and databases. Eventually, the team hopes to allow users to create self-sustaining plug-ins that can be installed through the PIP package manager and then activated by changing

After adding GET and OPTIONS request capabilities to the JSON-RPC server, the Neo-Python project is plugging in functionality parity with neo-CLI… . After the update, RPC nodes using Neo-Python will be queried via GET requests.

neo-tools (CoZ)

Neo-tools is a more recent project spearheaded by City of Zion developer Fetter… . Now in the form of a CLI, it aims to bring all NEO apis, examples, and project primitives together in one place so that developers can easily access them in a simple UniX-like environment.

Fetter starts with an initial build that includes basic reference API implementations and services. These include Neoscan, Neon – JS, Binance, Coinmarketcap and CoinPaprika’s CLI. Based on this, Fetter prioritizes passively adding tools that are needed most by the developer community or other members of the community.

In the near term, updates to neo-Tools will focus on consistency and code modularity, but expect Fetter intent to encompass all NEO services, including RPC and REST apis, wallet services and blockchain metadata analysis/transformation utilities.

NeoCompiler Eco (NR)

NeoCompiler Eco development platform is an intelligent contracts NeoCompiler. IO / # /, founded by NeoResearch team… , which allows them to compile NEO contracts using Linux-based systems. NeoCompiler Eco, accessible through a Web browser or mobile device, helps developers build, test, and even deploy smart contracts written in C#, Java, Python, and Go. The compiler runs on a shared private test network and is reset every 12 hours, allowing anyone to test their contract before deploying to the main network.

NeoResearch is currently focused on implementing consensus mapping tools… , a tool designed to track consensus data and present it in a format that humans can easily understand. The implementation of this tool can also help debug all potential issues of NEO consensus.

Smart Account Composer (NR)

Smart Account Composer/Smacco is another NeoResearch project, neoreSearch. IO /Smacco /#/, which allows the creation of NEO addresses with additional functionality. Rather than generating a typical public/private key pair with basic send/receive capabilities, Smacco allows users to create authentication contracts using specific rules.

These logic-based conditions can be used in a variety of ways, such as for creating a wallet that requires multiple private keys to unlock, or for a specific action following a locking timestamp. It can also be used to allow specific private keys to use certain operations, such as sending specific tokens, without having to fully control the account.

As with NeoCompiler Eco, user operability is Smacco’s top priority. To make it easy to understand the logical flow these rules describe, any smart account created using the tool is accompanied by an automatically generated logic diagram. These charts are easy for anyone to understand, regardless of technical proficiency.

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