1. Introduction to the promotion report

The data push report collects statistics on the delivery of a message. How many users are sent a single push message, how many users are successfully pushed to their mobile phones, and how many users see the popup notification, click the popup notification and open the application. Through the message push report, we can intuitively see the flow of push message, the success rate of message delivery and the user’s click on the message.

Of course, there is not only one dimension of push report mentioned above. The push statistics of each push can be divided into three dimensions: message push dimension, APP push dimension and APP user dimension.

  • Message push dimension: for a single message push, it provides the number of successful delivery of a single message push, the number of mobile phone arrivals, the number of pop-up displays, etc
  • APP push dimension: the number of all message push in a single day, the number of successful delivery of all tasks in a single day, the number of mobile phone arrivals, the number of pop-up displays, etc
  • APP user dimension: according to the one-day application user data, the number of newly added users and the number of online users, etc

Push data statistics of the above three dimensions are output through individual push developer center and server SDK integration interface. The push developer center provides detailed visual diagrams, and the server SDK integration interface provides data recording and statistics on the server side. Both have the same data, but are slightly different in function and data type, so users can choose different methods according to their own needs. The following will explain the getui report from two aspects of getui developer center and server SDK integration interface respectively.

2. Developer Center

Log in the Developer center of “Push”, select “push” from the product and service interface, enter the application list page, select the corresponding application, click the data report, and see the push statistics of each dimension in the data statistics column.

2.1 Push Record

All historical push records are saved in push records. Click “Push data” to query the task report of this push.

2.2 Data Push (Message push dimension)

Provides report data for a single message push.

  • 100-day Number of Online users: all users who have opened the APP in the last 100 days, which can be understood as the total number of users expected to be delivered.
  • Number of successfully delivered messages: indicates the actual number of users to be delivered messages. The message will be delivered only when the APP exists in the background of the mobile phone. Otherwise, the message will not be delivered.
  • Arrivals: indicates the number of messages successfully sent to the mobile phone. After the mobile phone is received, the receipt cannot be sent to the server due to network reasons. Therefore, the number of successful deliveries is slightly larger than the number of arrivals.
  • Display number: the number of pop-up messages displayed on the phone. Some users may set the application to disable pop-ups, so the number of arrivals will be greater than the number of displays.
  • Click-throughs: The number of pop-up notifications that a mobile user clicks on

    The report data shown in the figure above is the cumulative data of push + other channels. Click the details to see the statistics delivered by each channel. The hyphen (-) indicates that the field report is not supported

2.3 Push statistics (APP push dimension)

Push statistics From the perspective of APP push, statistics are made on the delivery data of all tasks on the current day. For example, a message sent by the APP developer on 15th May not be received until the user opens the phone on 16th, but the data will still be counted in the push statistics on 15th. In this case, Twitter will continue to update the APP statistics within three days. So APP push statistics will be updated over the next three days. Daily Internet users: indicates the number of users who open applications on the same day

  • Number of successful deliveries, arrivals, displays and clicks: same as above

Click expand to see the App dimension statistics of each channel.

2.5 Real-time and accuracy

Create a new push task that can see the overall trend of push in real time, and the trend data will be updated in real time.

Why does the task report data that has been pushed change the next day? There are two types of internal push data reports: real-time reports and statistical reports. The real-time report of the previous day is revised in the statistical report of the next day.

Real-time report is based on real-time and has the function of real-time update. APP developers can select real-time reports if they want to view the task data delivered on the day. Compared with real-time reports, statistical reports pay more attention to accuracy, and aim to obtain the final accurate report through statistical analysis, screening and de-weighting of data. APP developers can query accurate report data every other day.

3. The SDK integration interface of the server

In the official website provided by the SDK Demo there are examples of procedures, do a good package, return results have also been preprocessed. APP developers only need to pass in simple parameters to complete the report query. The SDK interface provides some data statistics services that are not available in the developer platform, such as the online trend statistics of user data in the last 24 hours and the number of users query according to user conditions. Refer to the Documentation Center and Java Server integration documentation for details

Public class PushResultDemo {public static IGtPush gtPush = new IGtPush(APPKEY, MASTERSECRET); /** * Get push results, you can query the total number of valid messages that can be delivered, the total number of message receipt, the number of user clicks and other results. * @param taskId */ private static void getPushResultByTaskId(String taskId) { Map<String, Object> ret = gtPush.getPushResult(taskId).getResponse(); System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(ret)); } /** * Get the app push data on a single day (push data includes: Total number of sent, online sent, received, displayed, */ Private static void queryAppPushDataByDate(String date) {IQueryResult ret = gtPush.queryAppPushDataByDate(APPID, date); Map<String, Object> res = ret.getResponse(); System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(ret));for(Map.Entry<String,Object> entry: res.entrySet()){
            System.out.println(entry.getKey()+""+entry.getValue()); }} /** * Query the number of online points in a day through the interface (one point in 10 minutes, six points in an hour) */ private static voidgetLast24HoursOnlineUserStatistics () {
        IQueryResult queryResult = push.getLast24HoursOnlineUserStatistics(APPID);
        System.out.println(queryResult.getResponse().get("onlineStatics")); } /** * Obtain the user data of an application on a single day (user data includes: new users, total registered users, online peak, daily online users) note: You can query data generated one day ago */ private static void queryAppUserDataByDate(String date) {IQueryResult ret = push.queryAppUserDataByDate(APPID, date); System.out.println(ret.getResponse().toString()); Map<String, Object> data = (Map<String, Object>) ret.getResponse().get("data");
        System.out.println("Total new user registrations :"+data.get("newRegistCount"));
        System.out.println("Total number of registered users :"+data.get("registTotalCount"));
        System.out.println("Active users :"+data.get("activeCount"));
        System.out.println("Number of online users:+data.get("onlineCount")); }}Copy the code


Push data report is an important component of push message service. Through push data report, it can intuitively and accurately understand the details of users who are contacted by messages and make push data clear at a glance. Geitui will continue to optimize reporting services and provide APP developers with more perfect statistical support for push data.