1: If you want to determine whether an object is a basic data type (string, number, symbol, Boolean, undefined, NULL, BigINT, object), use the Typeof operator. But when it comes to objects, it can be difficult to tell whether they are functions, arrays, or anything else, so use the instanceof keyword instead. Instanceof, instanceof, instanceof, instanceof, instanceof, instanceof Remember to use alert if you just want a popover to alert the user, and prompt if you want to collect information from the user. When you use the Alert popup, the alert dialog applies to messages that do not require any response from the user, in addition to the acknowledgement of the message.

Result = window.confirm(message); Indicates whether a Boolean value is selected to determine (true) or cancel (false). If the browser ignores the in-page dialog, the value returned is always false.

Result = window.prompt(message, default); The prompt dialog box contains a single-line text box, a Cancel button, and an OK button, and returns the (possibly empty) text the user entered in the text box.

3: download and install @vue/cli in vscode and create a project step:Follow the steps at @vue/cli official website.You can install either of these:npm install -g @vue/cli yarn global add @vue/cliCheck whether the installation is successful:vue --versionCreate a new project named Hello-world:vue create hello-worldChoose the configuration based on your own project requirements. Once created successfully, the running code appears.