
The Node version is recommended to use the latest LTS version (currently 12.x), and you can use the current version (usually a larger version than the stable version).

The Node list version

NodeJS official website Download and install LTS or current version: NodeJS official website

The Node number version

Sometimes you need different versions of Node to run different projects,

A single version is limited, so the community has developed tools for multi-version management


NVM was originally implemented only for Linux and MacOS because it was written in shell scripts, but as it became more popular, it began to have peripherals, including windows-compatible derivative libraries

Linux/installed on macOS

$The curl - o - | bash
$Wget - qO - | bash

#After the above execution is successful, you also need to write environment variables to your shell configuration file (in the user root directory).
# bash -> .bashrc
# zsh -> .zshrc

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
Copy the code

The Windows are installed on the

Download the NVM-Windows installation package to install it.

$NVM install 10.15.0Download, compile, and install the specified version of Node
$NVM use 10.15.0Switch to the specified version of Node
$ nvm aliasThe default 10.15.0Set the default shell version
Copy the code

See documentation for more NVM usage.


NVS supports full platform by default and is written in Node

Linux/installed on macOS

Declare a temporary variable
export NVS_HOME="$HOME/.nvs"

# clone warehouse
git clone "$NVS_HOME"

Execute the script installation
. "$NVS_HOME/" install
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The Windows are installed on the

Operation is also straightforward, as is NVM

$ nvs --help
NVS (Node Version Switcher) usage

nvs help <command>             Get detailed help for a command
nvs install                    Initialize your profile for using NVS
nvs --version                  Display the NVS tool version

nvs menu                       Launch an interactive menu

nvs add <version>              Download and extract a node version
nvs rm <version>               Remove a node version
nvs migrate <fromver> [tover]  Migrate global modules
nvs upgrade [fromver]          Upgrade to latest patch of major version

nvs use [version]              Use a node version inthe current shell nvs auto [on/off] Automatically switch based on cwd nvs run <ver> <js> [args...]  Run a script using a node version nvsexec<ver> <exe> [args...]  Run an executable using a node version nvswhich [version]            Show the path to a node version binary

nvs ls [filter]                List local node versions
nvs ls-remote [filter]         List node versions available to download

nvs link [version]             Link a version as the default
nvs unlink [version]           Remove links to a default version

nvs alias [name] [value]       Set or recall aliases forversions nvs remote [name] [uri] Set or recall download base URIs A version string consists of a semantic version number  or version label ("lts" or "latest"), optionally preceeded by a remote name, optionally
followed by an architecture, separated by slashes.
Examples: "lts"."4.6.0"."6.3.1 / x86"."The node / 6.7.0 / x64"
Aliases may also be used anywhere in place of a version string.
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$ nvs add lts Install the latest LTS
$ nvs use lts # Switch the specified node version
$ nvs link ltsSet the shell's default version
Copy the code

Source Node management

The company has set up a private NPM warehouse, which contains the necessary dependencies to run the project; NPM config can only be used to set local or global sources. The steps and operations are a bit cumbersome. For this situation, the community also came up with a tool for easy maintenance and quick switching: NRM

NRM installation

Install NRM globally

npm install -g nrm
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Add the internal private warehouse address

Add a new NPM source,

NRM add h3npm # http://xxxxx/repository/npm-all/ company information, and desensitizationCopy the code

Switch the NPM source to the private bin

nrm use h3npm
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Run the NRM ls command to view the current NPM source. * indicates the current NPM source

$ nrm lsNPM -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - # NPM official source yarn -- -- -- -- -- - # yarn source of official CNPM -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # CNPM source taobao - # taobao official image source nj -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # foreign official image source * h3npm -- -- -- -- -- - http://xxxxx/repository/npm-all/ # inside the company official image source (covers private library) h3 - authine - http://xxxxx/repository/npm-authine/ # private repositoriesCopy the code