• Top Node.js Development Trends in 2021
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Node.js in 2021

Developers around the world have made a lot of predictions about what Node.js will look like in 2021. Below, we’ll explain what to expect from Node.js this year.

Why is Node.js so famous?

Node.js has become very popular in recent years due to its high flexibility and extremely light weight. Node.js has a number of JavaScript libraries to simplify the development process. The open source nature of Node.js has also made it well known for web and mobile application development.

According to recent statistics, it can be seen that:

  • More than 50% of developers currently use Node.js in their projects.
  • There are more than 28,000 node.js based websites in the United States.
  • Well-known companies like AliExpress and eBay rely heavily on Node.js.
  • High-traffic sites like PayPal, Netflix, and Groupon use Node.js.
  • Node.js has become very popular since its launch in 2009. Node.js has 75.9K stars, 3k Watchers, and 19K forks on Github, and 71.8K followers and 8.3K thumbs up on Stack Share. These numbers are sufficient to describe node.js popularity. Well-known tech giants like Netflix and Microsoft use Node.js. Node.js successfully topped the StackOverflow 2021 Developer survey, with over 50% of survey participants claiming to be using Node.js in their projects.

Additional reading:NodeJS vs. DenoJS: Which is better for you?

Node.js in 2021

1. MEAN & MERN Stack

AngularJS and React make MEAN and MERN Stack quite powerful. MEAN Stack combines ExpressJS, MongoDB, AngularJS, and NodeJS, while MERN Stack uses React instead of Angular.

AngularJS uses three different components: class, Template, and metadata to write clean code. This happens to be a model-view-controller framework. If a NodeJS developer is working on a simple project, two-way data binding may be appropriate.

This means that any changes that occur in the model layer will immediately affect the view layer and vice versa. One-way data binding can be very convenient for developers, especially for complex projects. It is possible to create applications using Angular and Typescript.

MERN, a relatively new technology stack, has React available. The increased user acceptance and popularity of React has helped MERN Stack grow.

The React virtual DOM performs changes quickly and efficiently, which puts Angular to shame. Also, React can use advanced JavaScript to manipulate components quickly. As powerful as React is, it has some limitations as a library. React requires third-party services in some scenarios.

2. Real-time applications

Real-time apps are the trend and will remain at the top of the charts. These applications require a strong and robust back end. Instant messaging, video calling, online gaming, and many other similar applications are perfect examples.

Node.js uses the event API and Websocket for two-way communication, which is essential in real-time applications. Overall, we can safely say that real-time applications have a bright future.

Additional reading:API development: A complete guide to building robust apis

3. The Internet of things

Node.js happens to be a feature-rich runtime environment that allows developers to use data-oriented and just-in-time capabilities, as well as microservices.

Adapting to contemporary technology is essential if you want to cope with a world that has embraced technological transformation.

Real-time applications need to handle a lot of user requests, so Node.js is very helpful. In addition to providing high quality applications, it also creates a reliable solution.

So when you’re building IoT applications for your customers, you can trust Node.js to help you.

4. No service solution

Everyone loves a solution that saves money and increases developer productivity and efficiency. Using Node.js for a non-service architecture is a fantastic solution.

Maintenance costs are almost zero and companies do not have to worry about the performance of their applications. In addition, it is worth praising its global community.

Almost all large companies, such as AOL, Netflix, and Telenor, are using a no-service architecture.

The advantages are as follows:

  • Improving code quality
  • Reduce project costs
  • Save a lot of time
  • To improve efficiency

In the coming days, the world will witness the most incredible Node.js trend.

5. Cloud solutions

The point of the above overview happens to be developing solutions for cloud applications. A no-service architecture can either simplify the building of cloud applications from the start or extend applications already developed.

Artificial intelligence, cloud computing and machine learning models will rule the planet, according to Information Week.

6. GraphQL

As you know, GraphQL is a successful option for RESTful apis. GraphQL allows programmers to specify exactly what information it needs. It can effectively collect large amounts of information from different sources.

GraphQL is evolving every year and is another Node.js trend. It slowly caught the attention of programmers around the world. We can assume that it will grow at a significant rate.

GraphQL will be a favorite and thriving feature for developers as it simplifies workflow across Windows, Android, and iOS platforms.

Additional reading:Differences between GraphQL and REST

7. The service

Microservices is an architectural technology that is the perfect alternative to no services. Code maintenance relies on microservices, which take care of code quality responsibly.

Also, microservices allow applications to run without dependencies, and you can use microservices to create top-quality projects.

Microservices architectures are expanding all the time and can prove to be an effective investment.

NodeJS – an attractive running environment

NodeJS offers quite a few features over other frameworks, some of which are as follows:

  • Event-driven and asynchronous
  • Full stack application development framework
  • Easy to use and strict market requirements
  • Build based on Google V8 engine
  • Single thread
  • Great community support

Node.js is a promising application builder with a library and a variety of tools and technologies available to web and mobile application developers.

At last count, there were 194k+ websites created using Node.js, which shows just how popular it is.

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