1. Get the scores of all classes and send them to each teacher according to the class generated table
  2. After having everyone’s salary, it is distributed to individuals according to the salary scale of each person’s life
  3. Get the summary data from the data center and distribute it to the units

const XLSXWriter = require('xlsx-writestream');
const powXLSX = require('xlsx-extract').XLSX;
const fs = require('fs');

const fileName = './test.xlsx';
const groupName = "Class";

const generateTable = (json, name) = > {
  const newFile = `./result/${name}.xlsx`
  console.log(`${name}. XLSX have${json.length}The data `)

  const writer = new XLSXWriter(newFile, {} /* options */);

  json.forEach(item= > {

let title = []
let groupIndex = 0;
const data = []
let groupArr = [];
new powXLSX().extract(fileName, { sheet_all: true }) By default, only the first sheet is read. The parameters are set as follows
  .on('sheet'.function (sheet) {
    console.log('sheet', sheet);  // sheet is array [sheetname, sheetid, sheetnr]
  .on('row'.function (row) {
    if(! title.length) { title = row groupIndex = row.findIndex(e= > e === groupName)
    } else {
      console.log(data.length + 1)
      const value = {}
      title.forEach((item, index) = > value[item] = row[index])
      groupArr = [...new Set([...groupArr, row[groupIndex]])]
  .on('cell'.function (cell) {
    // console.log('cell', cell); //cell is a value or null
  .on('error'.function (err) {
    console.error('error', err);
  .on('end'.function (err) {
    console.log(` altogether${data.length}The data `)
    console.log(` should be generated${groupArr.length}A table `)
    groupArr.forEach(name= > {
      generateTable(data.filter(item= > item[groupName] === name), name)

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