Inexplicably registered another account, also did not notice to write on that blog, this update over

If you want what you have never had, you must do what you have never doneCopy the code

No matter what past achievements and missed opportunities have become a thing of the past, the important thing is to look up and see the way forward instead of focusing on past gains and losses.

A few events in the New Year

1. Move a little bit out of your comfort zone each day, including but not limited to: reading in an unfamiliar area, meeting new people, learning a new language, etc. 3. Establish wechat official account, give priority to update blog and articles 4. At the source level understanding of open source software, complete the Spring, at least SpringBoot, SpringCloud, zookeeper, kafka, es source code to read 5.6 ~ take my family to travel at least once on August 6. Make a list of your priorities and do them for at least 30 minutes each day