With the rapid development of front-end technology, the ability of search engine crawler to understand complex JS web content lags behind, so the phenomenon often appears — after the launch of a new website, the website brand words can not be searched in Baidu…

To solve this problem, here is a general SEO solution that applies to all major search engines: Google, Bing, Baidu, 360, Sogou, What, Toutiao…

The required content to be included in the HTML

You are welcome to copy your homework, which will be explained in detail

<! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="applicable-device" content="pc,mobile"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-transform"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-siteapp"> <meta name="robots" content="index, Follow "> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.xxx.com"> <title> <meta name="description" <meta name="keywords" Content =" branded "> </head> <body> <h1>Copy the code


Character set please use UTF-8


Viewport is used to control the zoom display of mobile devices

Declaration of Applicable Equipment

Set this parameter based on the site requirements

<meta name="applicable-device" content="pc,mobile">
Copy the code

Prohibit search engine transcoding

This is a search engine technology designed to improve the mobile browsing experience of purely PC pages. It is usually not available, but it is better than nothing

<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-transform">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-siteapp">
Copy the code


The display tells search engine crawlers that the page can be crawled and indexed, which is an advanced SEO technique

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
Copy the code


Declare the canonical url, which can be understood as a URL with no parameters

<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.xxx.com">
Copy the code


Page titles are displayed in browser tabs, search engine results, chat app url previews and so on

This can be set to the brand word “slogan”

Generally speaking, in order to get SEO rankings, keywords must appear in the title

<title> Brand name </title>Copy the code


Page description, in the search engine search results will be a large probability of selective exposure

Generally speaking, if you want to get SEO rankings, it is recommended that keywords appear in the description

<meta name="description" content=" description" >Copy the code


Page keywords, not exposed to the user

Want to obtain SEO ranking keywords can be listed, convenient in the third party tools for keyword ranking monitoring

Generally speaking, keywords are just suggestions for search engines

<meta name="keywords" content=" keywords" >Copy the code


Level 1 headings, which appear only once within the recommendation and usually have the same content as the page title.

Title Description Keywords — Description of TDK

The first picture below is the HTML TDK content on the homepage of Nuggets, and the second picture is the display result of searching “Nuggets” in Baidu.

Server side rendering – SSR

At present, the mainstream front-end frameworks like React and Vue require all stations to do SSR.

The HTML tags mentioned above need to be rendered server-side.

The main text and text content of the page, as much as possible to do SSR (can be processed separately for crawler UA)


After the website goes online, look for friends, friends business to add some friendship links.

At the beginning of the chain of friends, the more the better, can greatly accelerate the speed of the website brand words to improve the ranking.

To obtain more channels of friendship chain, you can search by yourself:

1. Chain changing platform

2. Change the QQ group

Private message I can change the chain oh

Register each search engine webmaster platform

Each search engine has its own webmaster platform, register and verify their own site, then you can see the site SEO data performance (index amount, display amount, click amount, crawler crawl information, etc.)

  • Baidu ziyuan.baidu.com
  • 360 zhanzhang.so.com
  • Sogou zhanzhang.sogou.com
  • What zhanzhang. Sm. Cn
  • The headline zhanzhang.toutiao.com
  • Google search.google.com/search-console
  • Bing www.bing.com/webmasters/…

Wait patiently for the site to be indexed

The above SEO basic work is done, then just change the friend chain, patiently waiting for the site to be indexed.

If it’s been more than a month and still not available, that’s another problem…

  1. Feedback through the official feedback channel of webmaster platform

  2. Consult SEO professionals for troubleshooting – full stack SEO techniques

Article by full stack SEO technology first published in nuggets community – original address

Watermelon Video address