Xcode13 has been updated recently, and the layout of the engineering files Icon and Xcode interface has been changed most obviously. But it took a few days to get used to it.

Manage Version and Build Numbe

Today, I found another “new thing” (picture below) when PACKING for arraignment.Manage Version and Build Numbe“, will only appear if the package selects “App Store Connect”.

For the description of this section, I found the official documentation:

When you upload your application to App Store Connect, the distribution assistant in Xcode checks if your application has a valid internal version number (CFBundleVersion). If your application has an invalid number (such as a previously used number, or a number prior to your current build number), the Distribution Assistant provides an option to automatically increment it to a valid number. In addition, the distribution assistant ensures that the internal version numbers of all embedded content in your application (for example, App extensions, light apps, watchOS Apps) are synchronized with your application. Please note that this does not modify your source code or archive; Xcode updates the build number in a staged copy of the application before packaging and uploading to App Store Connect

This means that if you check this option: 1.Xcode will help you check if buildCode in your package works. For example, if you forget to change and fill in a buildCode that already exists in the Apple background, Xcode will help you change it to the buildCode increment in the Apple background. 2.Xcode will change the version number of all the embedded content in your package (App extensions, Light Apps, watchOS App, Framework) to the same as the main App. Whether the Framework will be modified is not mentioned in the official document, but the developer has tested it. After checking it, the Framework versions in the ipA package become the same as the main App.

So do I check or do I not check? This varies from person to person

  • If you have an App extension in your App and you don’t care if the Framework version is changed, you can check it so that you don’t have to synchronize the App extension and the main App version every time.
  • For example, there are many self-developed dynamic library Framework and third-party SDK in the main App. If the version number is changed to the same as that of the main App, it may cause the online package can not trace the SDK version. So the building Lord or choose not to hook.

Reference: Xcode 13 Release Notes

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