Html5 semantic tags make it easier for developers to build a clear layout of a page

The label describe
<header> Defines the header area of the document
<footer> Defines the tail area of the document
<nav> Define the navigation of the document
<section> Define sections in the document
<article> Define the article
<aside> Define content outside the page
<details> Define additional details that the user can see or hide
<summary> The tag contains the title of the Details element
<dialog> Define dialog
<figure> Define self-contained content
<main> Define the document main content
<mark> Define the main content of the document
<time> Define the date/time
The header element


element defines the header area of the document

       <h1>The title</h1>
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Footer element


element defines the tail area of the document. Usually contains some basic information about the section, such as the author, links to related documents, and copyright materials.

<footer>Original author; Copyright information; Contact information; Document related links etc...</footer>
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The nav element


    <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
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Section element


element represents the “section” or “section” in the document. “Section” can refer to the subsections of an article by topic. “Sections” can refer to groups within a page.

    <h1>Here are the section headings...</h1>
    <p>Here are the section headings for the contents...</p>
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Value element


        <h1>Author's brief introduction</h1>         
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The details element

Describes the document or details of a part of the document. Summary is the title of the Details element

    <summary>The title</summary>
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Figure element


element represents a single piece of content. Used to combine elements. Mostly used for combination of picture and picture description.

<! -- Just a figure -->
  <img src="figure.png" alt="Figure. PNG Image click" title="Figure pictures">
<p>The paragraph</p>
<! -- Figure with figcaption -->
   <img src="figure.png" alt="Figure. PNG Image click" title="Figure pictures">picture">   
   <figcaption>Figure Picture description</figcaption>
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The time element

Define the date/time

<time datetime="2021-06-01">
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Functions of new semantic tags:
  • Removing or losing styles allows the page to be clearly structured
  • Facilitate parsing by other devices (screen readers, blind readers, mobile devices) to render a web page in a meaningful way
  • Is conducive to SEO
  • Easy for teams to develop and maintain, following W3C standards and reducing differentiation