Let and block-level scope

Scope – The scope in which a member can function. Prior to ES5, there were only two scopes:

  • Global scope
  • Function scope

Block-level scopes have been added in ES6.

Prior to this, there was no concept of block-level scope, resulting in variables defined in if/for statements that are also available in global scope, for example:

if(true) {
  var a = 'hello'

console.log(a) // 'hello'
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The let keyword is new in ES6, and variables declared through let can only be used in the scope in which they are declared. That is, members within the block-level scope are not available externally.

There is no variable promotion in LET;

In addition, there is a const keyword, which defines a measure or a constant, which defines a read-only parameter;

An array of deconstruction

Const arr = [1, 2, 4] const [test1, test2, test3] = arr Const [test,...test2] = arr only on the last member; Const [test1, test2, test3, test4 = 4] = arrCopy the code

Object to deconstruct

const obj = {name: 'heihei', age: } const {name} = obj const {name} = obj const {age} = obj asAge = 10 } = obj console.log(asName === name) // trueCopy the code

Template string

  • Template strings support line breaks compared to traditional strings.
const str = `hello world ! `Copy the code
  • Template string expressions of support interpolation, embedded variable | statements
console.log(`ooooooooh! ${str}`)

console.log(`ooooooooh! ${Math.random()}`)
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  • The tag function defines a tag before defining the template string. The tag is a special function that can be called by adding the tag.

Function: To process a string

Const name = "Tom" const gender = 'male' // String is the static content of template string, Const tagFunc = (string, name,) const tagFunc = (string, name, gender) => { return string[0] + name + string[1] + gender + string[2] } const result = tagFunc`hello, ${name} is a ${gender}! `Copy the code

String extension method

includes | startWidth | endWidth

Parameter Default Value

Default values in ES5 are handled as follows:

// Defective setup, When the enable is false, the value will be true for const foo = (enable) = > {enable = enable | | true on the console. The log (' doSomeThing)} / / setting method more scientific, Const foo = (enable) => {enable = enable === undefined? true : enable console.log('doSomeThing) }Copy the code

Es6 setting mode, note: The default parameter must be set from the last parameter.

const foo = (enable = true) => {
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The remaining parameters

ES6 in… Operator to set the rest of the parameters to receive.

const foo = (... args) => { console.log(args) // [1, 2, 3, 4] } const foo1 = (args1, ... args) => { console.log(args) // [2, 3, 4] } foo(1, 2, 3, 4) foo1(1, 2, 3, 4)Copy the code

An array of

ES6 in… Operator to expand the array.

Const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4] const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4] const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4] Expand each member of the array in turn into a new object console.log(... arr)Copy the code

Arrow function

The arrow function does not change the direction of this;

Enhancements to object literals

To add the same object name as the attribute name in the object, simply abbreviate the variable name:

const bar = 'foo';

const obj = {
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When you add a property method to an object, you can also set it directly with the property name and method body:

const obj = {
  method() {
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[activeKey]: value: [activeKey]: value:

const obj = {
  [Math.random()]: value
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Proxy Object Proxy

Proxy can monitor any changes to an object’s source data, using Proxy:

const person = { name: 'hello', age: 20 } const personProxy = new Proxy(person, { get (target, property) { // doSomething return property in target ? target[property] : 'default' }, set (target, property, Value) {// doSomething target[property] = value}}) // Use personproxy. gender = 'male'Copy the code

The Proxy contrast defineProperty

  • DefineProperty can only monitor object reads and writes, Proxy can see more object operations, such as delete operations or method calls;

The delete method monitors:

const person = {
  name: 'hello',
  age: 20

const personProxy = new Proxy(person, {
  deleteProperty (target, property) {
    // doSomething
    delete target[property]

delete personProxy.age
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Other attributes: see figure

  • Proxy better supports array object monitoring;

Monitor array:

const list = [] const listProxy = new Proxy(list, { set (target, property, value) { console.log('set', property, Value) target[property] = value return true}}) listProxy.push(100) // 'set' 0 100Copy the code
  • Proxy regulates reads and writes of objects in a non-intrusive manner

DefineProperty needs to define the monitored attributes separately, for example:

Const person = {name: 'hello', age: 20} // Define the attribute to be monitored object.defineProperty (person, 'name', {get() {}, set() {}})Copy the code

Proxy can oversee the entire object that needs to be monitored.


Reflect is a static class and cannot be instantiated. Internally encapsulates a series of low-level operations on objects. The Reflect member method is the default implementation of Proxy handling objects

const person = { name: 'hello', age: 20} const personProxy = new Proxy(person, {// custom get, Get (target, property) {// doSomeThing return reflect.get (target, property)}})Copy the code

Reflect’s significance is that it provides a unified set of apis for manipulating objects. Such as:

const person = { name: 'hello', age: 20 } console.log( 'name' in person) console.log(delete person.name) console.log(Object.keys(obj)) // ... Console. log(reflect. has(person, 'name')) console.log(reflect.deleteProperty (person, 'name') 'name')) console.log(Reflect.ownKeys(obj)) // ...Copy the code

Reflect currently offers 13 underlying ways to do it. See the document:

Set data structure

A Set, like a traditional array, is a collection of data.

Const s = new Set() // The add method returns the instance itself, so it can be chain-called. Set can weigh elements; S.a dd (1). The add (2). The add (3). The add (1) / / traversal/forEach / / for/of / / get data Sheldon horowitz at length the as () / / remove spyware doctor elete () / / clear s.c Lear ()Copy the code

Common usage: to remove weight:

Const arr = [1,2,3,4,3,2,1] console.log(array. from(new Set(arr))) console.log([...new Set(arr)]))Copy the code

Map data structure

A Map is a set of key-value pairs used to Map the mappings between two pairs of arbitrary data types:

Map corresponding methods:

  • set
  • get
  • has
  • delete
  • clear
  • Traversal: forEach


Symbol is used to represent a unique data type. Values created through the Symbol function are never equal:

Symbol() === Symbol() // false

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Symbol allows description text to be passed in to distinguish Symbol values:

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Symbol is used to add unique attribute names to objects:

const name = Symbol() const person = { [name]: 'test', Say () {console.log(this.[name])}} person[Symbol() [Symbol()] // testCopy the code

Symbol provides a static method for which the String variable is passed in by default and is implicitly converted to a String if it is not a String:

Symbol('foo') == Symbol('foo') // false
Symbol.for('foo') === Symbol.for('foo') // true
Symbol.for(true) === Symbol.for('true') // true
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Use of the Symbol attribute 1: Add toString attributes to objects:

const obj = {}
console.log(obj.toString()) // [object, Object]

const objSymbol = {
  [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'XObject'

console.log(objSymbol.toString()) // [object, XObject]

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Symbol is the attribute name of the object. Traditional methods cannot obtain this attribute name. For example:

const obj = {
  [Symbol()]: 'new Symbol',
  foo: 'test'

for(let key in obj) {
  console.log(key) // foo

console.log(Object.keys(obj)) // ['foo']

console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)) // ["foo": "test]

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This makes Symbol suitable as a private property of an object. If you want to get Object Symbol attribute, can use Object. GetOwnPropertySymbols:

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