Many platform websites, the page internal links, users click on their own first filter control, and then choose whether to directly open or use transfer page interception.

There is nothing wrong with this from security considerations (and part of it is to prevent user Referer leaks), but abuse the name of security by filtering (may be competitive may be other problems) pages, so that users operate the diaphragm? I refuse!

I had been working on other small projects during weekdays and had no time to take care of them until that day, I couldn’t bear it anymore.

It was the night of March 7, 2021. I turned off the GAME of LOL, opened my laptop and started thinking (no, I spent 2 hours making a little tool (browser plugin) called “Just Open It”.

The function is very simple, that is, when the transit page appears, it will automatically jump to the target page. No configuration required, you just download the plugin and hang it.

The next day, I made the logo and submitted it for review. After waiting for one night, it was officially launched this morning 😁!

Download address

It has been adapted to the transfer page of wechat, CSDN, Jianshu, QQ mailbox, Weibo and Zhihu website.

If other websites have such problems (or bugs), welcome to the warehouse to raise an issue~

Felling still can, also need not drink coffee what of please, leave a star enough 🤣